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A member registered Apr 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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move to discord

the guys name was sarskest 

my message wasnt reffered to u i kinda forgot u even existed lol

starsket 😹😹


no one can beat jerry

I won the rematch tho

first fight was me using bow 4, same as naju

its nice

i love it

. .

n1 isnt addicting

cant relate

on mobile too?


bro is gay 

So what if everyone can do that? Who are you to judge if its not a best kill or not? It wasnt your kill was it? Funny how you can criticize but cant back up your criticism lmao

if you didnt want to waste your precious time with this, then you shouldnt have made the post in the first place. I would love to see you make a better video than this with better kills.

You're actually a pathetic loser

the video is called "best kills and trickshots" not just trickshots

also we added that clip to make the video funny, if youre too stupid to understand humour thats not on us

idk what u mean by "real" if u mean that they're done in private squads then that doesnt make it any less "real"

i'd like to see the "better" trickshots u have saved btw so pls make a video with them 

just make it look good

also if ur this triggered by peoples opinions then dont ask for a rating in the first place 

actual dumbass

you combined 4 themes and tried to fit them in 1 skin..





why should they?

just choose a skin that looks good tbh

u dont need stats to be good at this game


thats actually really beautiful



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I find it funny how sensitive you guys can be lmaoo i made one comment and it made all of you reply to me with weird ahh insults😂😂its alright tho now I understand how soft and pathetic yall are 

its nice

till now ur excuse was shit fps, now u got more than 100, whats the excuse for being shit now?

bros still yapping about my alt lmao get over it bro 

and also didnt u make a whole deal of leaving narrow one and saying "its not fun anymore"

safe to say he fell off

Everyone has their prime, platon was good cuz he had experience in fps games before, when I started N1 I had 0 fps game experience. Anyway I would 10-0 Platon any day of the week.


im talking about bow 4 against bow 2 here cmon now

uh no? some bows are stronger than others, and bow 2 is the strongest bow in the game

surely theres no way the weakest bow can beat the strongest bow right


vs 70, him bow2 me bow 4

its not worth it

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