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A member registered Oct 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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bubo please one chance 

up and down the hill both ways upside down against the wall on the ceiling till the paint curls off the walls

i want him. so. bad i want him so bad it hurts. please make one where we can kiss him.


i love this !! like a selective breeding type of mechanic would be cool


I think it was drug addiction, there were needles in the locker. It feels like it too

so sorry for the inactivity!! My data got erased >:/

This was actually rlly cute, p fun too :0 We've been looking for other fur-friends, we've got tons of nsfw and kind ppl 

Please please please just give this game a try <3 I played it with my trans-fem friend, and though it's a bit embarrassing to admit, we both got a bit teary at the end


HASJHBAS there might be a mod that has fruity interactions

:0 this is really neat!! /gen



ofc!! They have erm..bloomed tho ;w;
Which room did you see it in?

Hihi!! Brady, first off your game has genuinely helped with my anxiety, plus it's quite addicting. I know you uploaded this game 2 years ago (congrats btw!! /gen), and I'd love to see it expand a bit more.
Maybe more plant species (I think water plants would be really interesting as well, like duckweed, lotus, or algae!!) would be neat, plus maybe it'd bring in even more ppl if it gets popular!! Another room or area; even just one would be really nice, like a bedroom, a kitchen, especially a balcony/porch!! A small idea could be more rotating options for paintings, and just more paintings/posters in general ^^
Sorry for the text dump, but I'd genuinely Love to see even just a couple of these ideas taken up!!

Oooh yes!! I'd also love another room, like maybe a balcony/porch, or even a kitchen!! Maybe Hyacinths, I love the aloe and monkey grass ideas, maybe we could even have some small bush-type plants :0 Morning glories would be really neat too! I'm surprised more stuff like lillies isn't here tbh </3

Here's my handsome boy, Fulgor <3 It's Portuguese for flame/glow 


cute!! i love what you did with the posters, especially the way they end up being angled so they balance 

Keep in mind this was the first poster i got in this game

And my main room :]

I've got so!! many!! plants!! Pick any one you see and I'll get a code for you ^^

[reply to 'I can try']
Dw, I get it ^^. I just opened up new tabs and typed the codes into the search bar, then copied them once the code was complete lol


Here's my first 5-Star plant!! Feel free to yoink her seed code <33 Reply with what yours looks like once it bred off of her!! I'd love to see ^^

here's my bootiful girl ^^
here's my bootiful girl ^^