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Snakemouth Den

A member registered Mar 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really cool proof of concept for the SPM RPG mod you've been working on.

I only watched someone else play but I can see myself having fun with this to toy around some, but def really exciting to see and play this on a larger scale / full game whenever it comes to completion.

I think some bosses are handled rather bullshitty and unfair / unintuitive for the player and a little more consistency overall for the bosses would be nice, but besides some minor nitpicks.

Looking away from that though, the hack is really cool and not something you'd expect in a Paper Mario modding competition with really good boss ideas and (besides some imo janky and not fun) executions.

Glad we have the unofficial(?) follow up to last jam's hack with equally funny & stupid bits and jokes.

Also the ending is my favorite ending to a hack ever made, probably.

Glizz on, Fewffwa!

Really fun concept, I can see this going a long way.
Sprites look superb and the maps look unique!
Extremely fun to play and overall a sweet treat.

I really like the idea of "swimming" through space, if my team hadn't formed I would have made a hack with the exact same idea xD
But the way you executed it is really fun, exploring the small areas is pretty cool with their own quirks, but unfortunately you can feel the deadline hitting on this one.
Pretty good hack regardless! Short n sweet.

(1 edit)

Pretty good for a first mod that has pretty fun gameplay, I can see a clear direction which could probably be expanded upon post-jam into someting pretty cool with some more work. 

10/10 would WARIO again.


Damn that logo is dope af i wonder who made it

also good hack i guess