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A member registered Oct 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for checking the video out, I really enjoyed playing it.

This was an awesome game, I really enjoyed the humor and the scares. Your still young, keep up the good work it will pay off. Best of luck

This was a lot of fun and unique, great atmosphere so when the scare came it was an excellent payoff. Can't wait to see what else you come up with

This was an awesome experience, Creepy indeed, i liked the retro/vhs style and the jumpscare was on another level lol. Keep up the good work. 

This game was awesome, love the way the story was told, very dark indeed and unique. Goodluck with your future projects

This was an awesome game, really enjoyed it. All the best to you and cant wait to see what else you come up with.

Thank you, was fun making it

This was an awesome game, well done to you guys. Those chickens coming out of nowhere was a good touch. Ive never experienced a jumpscare before from a chicken creeping up on me. So that alone is impressive. Keep up the good work!!

No problem, it was a really fun one

I actually like the travelers idea, that will definitely be a nice touch. Looking forward to see where you take this game. Thanks

I really had fun with this one, great art direction and the game definitely has alot of potential and yes I went way pass wave 8 and beyond on my first try lol. 

The plans you have to add more variety to the game will elevate it further, especially with new maps, weapons and enemies. Loved all the different things you can build to protect the base. Also the scavenging aspect of the game was fun, the looting/recycling but once both sides of the map was looted, I felt like something was missing. It would of been cool if the loot would respawn every so and so rounds or you get random care packages from the skies etc just to have something more to do inbetween day and night cycle (Just a taught). I look forward to see what else you guys come up with, best of luck!!

This was an awesome game. Love the humor and jumpscares!! Keep it up. 

This was awesome, had a blast playing this one. All the best, can't wait to see what else you come up with. Great job devs.

This Game Was Epic!! keep up the good work.