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A member registered Oct 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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very good, loved it

good first game!

Stuff I reccomend:

-Make sure the space ship doesn't spawn right next to/ on top of the player, I died because of this. I see you're using Godot, in which case it's pretty easy, just use "distance_to()" with the vector that you're randomizing.

-Have some sort of difficulty curve, make the ships spawn at a faster rate or something or the other to motivate the player to keep playing.

-My death screen didn't show up on the first time I died, this could be just on my end though.

-Personally, I think making the map loop around would be more fun than a bounding box, such as in asteroids :)

There I was, sitting by my glaring, old and unkempt laptop, searching for some sense of satisfaction or entertainment through long and tortorous cascades of videogames. And then I saw it. Like a bastion of hope, "Dodge the Faces". I reluctantly turn my face away as I fear the power of what I may open may change my life forever. And yet I'm greeted with a warm, endearing and familiar screen of the Unity game engine. As I wait for what seemed to long for a game such as what I had observed and too short for an Unity game, thereby still catching me by surprise when it started up.
What proceeded must've been the most euphoric plethora of emotions I must've experienced in my life.

Would face again.

One of the best OpenSource game projects out there, cheers!

it's alright

found this game cause i want to name a project of mine the same thing.

very nice :)

i can't move the camera and the world is lava i'm crying i want to play dink island so bad

So it could be more accessible for modders, would you guys think it'd be a good function in the debug menu, when the song is playing, allow the person to press keys and automatically write them on to the song? for songs with more complex beats and tempos I realized it'd be neater to have the possibility to write the same way as if you were playing the game and later adjusting any errors. What do you guys think?

Fun and a clever gag.

i've been having trouble getting the xbox controller to work, how exactly does it work?