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A member registered Mar 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Oops there's a little problem at the end, I forgot to make the last guy invincible. If you killed him (2:10) you won't get the ending :/ . But the normal end is just you realizing that the enemies were just doctors trying to help you.

Salut !

Pour ce qui est des chutes de fps, dans la prochaine version j'ai mis les graphismes en faible par défaut et enlevé des effets qui faisaient perdre beaucoup d'fps.

Je crois qu'Unity met le jeu à 30 fps max dans tous les cas pour éviter de perdre trop de batterie donc je ne pense pas que tu puisse aller plus haut même après mes modifications :)

Je ne savais pas qu'il y avait un problème de sensibilité même sur téléphone en téléchargeant l'APK. Je vais ajouter un menu pour pouvoir la modifier dans ce cas !

Merci pour ton retour et bonne journée ! 


Effectivement depuis téléphone, la sensibilité est trop grande pour que ce soit jouable, je vais donc désactiver la possibilité de jouer en ligne depuis son téléphone sur 

Sur ordinateur personnellement cela fonctionne très bien.

Je ne savais pas que il y avait des versions d'Android non compatible avec l'application, peux-tu me donner le numéro de ta version stp ?

Hello !

I didn't have much time to patch all those bugs so I tried my best. 

Yes, I can't spell English so I added those "u" :)

Level 18 is the last one for now, I will make more levels later but I want to focus on the implementation of multiplayer (and play Diablo 4)

I changed every horizontal obstacle to non breakable and I will try to make those obstacle destroy properly later.

The only bug I couldn't fix was the canon going through the tiles. Unfortunately, I need to change all my levels for that and I don't have the time to do it but I put it in my trello list !

Thank you for your feedbacks and have a nice day !

Hello !

Thank you for playing the game ! That's great to see feedbacks !

I have uploaded a new version of the game and corrected lots of bugs you are talking about. 

Controls are "ZQSD" and arrow keys. I will make later a menu to change it to "QASD" because arrow keys are good enough for now.

The level 3 was made for the player to discover bombs but maybe it was not intuitive, so I added a tutorial on level 1 for movement and level 3 for bombs as you suggest.

Explosive bullets cost 0 coins and now 99999 because I didn't implemant them yet so they do nothing for now :)

I corrected the bug when you end the level with one enemy alive, It was due to a bug with double bullet, please tell me you had double bullet on level 10-11 when this happens ?

Level 12, there was an enemy behind the three but you couldn't see him except if he shots you so now he is visible, it's easier for the player to understand.

For the level scroll, I don't know how to correct it but if the player scrolls too much, maybe he wanted that to happen. Moreover if you go to the main menu and come back, the scroll rect gets reset so it's ok.

Thank you for your positive feedback and your help, that really helps me and give me the desire to continue this game. Don't hesitate to let me know if you see any other bugs !