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A member registered Dec 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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ok thanks thought they were

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i figured it out. Whats the other two forms im missing. i got the dragon, beast and slime one. thats it so far.

hoi, so im a bit stuck after the sex scene with lyric i went back to the warlocks office but he isnt there. do i go somewhere else.

oh I meant like how grove gets aroused during certain battles. Like the dream sequence. And ok how would I go about making the variables. Or if you want I can look up how to make those in rpg maker. 

Hoi Hoi, I had a question. So I’m making my own rpg with a lust system in it too. I was wondering how I would put it into my game. I’m making it as an rpg. I’m using rpg maker mz.

Mostly asking the grove developers since it looks like they use rpg maker 

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Thank you. im still on the lookout for the muddy water. found the clear water. and still on the lookout for the lake. i found it lol. you need bottles though. empty ones.

thanks again.

also anyone know how to use kru's potions

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Does anyone know where I can get muddy water. I see you can still get items from Aeros shop that give you the other items needed to transform but I’m missing the waters. Any help is appreciated. And sorry for the extra comment. I didn’t know where to reply on my other one lol.

ok ill look for them. cant really advance the story without being an orc.

ok thank you. so just hang out with people and i should unlock them. do you know who i need to hang out with to get the mpreg tag. and thank you so much for info.

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What are all the tags and how do you trigger them. also i love the game a lot. ive been playing since the web version.also does anyone know how to finish rok's quest. im trying to finish his quest as im done with the rat mission. Its the army in the making quest.

Yay I love this pairing. Daz compliments zobbe very well. The both of them are cute together. Plus zobbe is the bestest boy

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sure i can

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youre welcome and yay. and its ok. i think ill be ok. oh how do you get chaos magic. was it by sleeping or level up. i got the seed to blossom. im having trouble with the demon boss and think the magic would help me out as i dont have anything i can use for healing in battle.

and if you can help thatll be great. im looking at tutorials on how to start everything off.

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is there a way to get max corruption without getting the dark horse ending where youre in pikes dream. i know the fight with the demon is one way but after that i forgot. oph and i really love your games. youve inspired me to make my own like this in fact(not like like, but the concept). also forgot to ask. how do you get chaos magic again

thanks I appreciate the vote of confidence. I’m doing my best after all. This is going to be a very big update. 

thats ok. i really like him. hopefully when doing damian or morton they will help you gain weight and muscle.

also wanted to say this is an amazing game. My top three characters are damian, zobbe, and daz. all three are really cool.

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never mind read the history. But wanted to know if he can gain any weight with the others he  pairs with. 

Anyone know if Zobbe can pair up with others. I was doing a run with him to go with Damian 

anyone how to get it to work with obs. im having trouble after it got updated

found him hes in the eastern barrens

anyone know where you can find the werewolf lost you free from the prison

I’m working on fixing it on my computer. I was told that scrolling doesn’t work so I’m working on it as we speak. I may try to do an early update with some of the stuff finished already. Just some on the mons will have wip on them 

ill be adding that soon. working on trying to do the art for the game

youre welcome. big hugs

love your works, cant wait to see more

does anyone know the password for the tv

this looks really cool. Can’t wait to play it 

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ok thank you. i was concerned for you as well. its good to know its nothing too serious. also im giving you 5 stars. its a great concept and ive made my own twine game i need to rework myself.

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um apparently i keep getting a pop saying the game is a scam. im concerned if this is true or not. Not trying to be rude or anything, the pop up is just concerning is all

that’s after I free him right. Ok thank you 

anyone know how to reencounter the werewolf. In one playthrough I let him go but never saw him again. So I’m stumped 

I fixed it after I was having trouble lol. I just used chrome and it worked. Though if you don’t have the required space I recommend extracting the files in your data on your pc 

can someone help me. i can't seem to download the game. every time i try it says i have no permissions. any help is appreciated. 

Ok noted I’m updating it as we speak. But lost everything due to my phone deleting my tabs. So I’m just going to look through everything on my end while playing and then type up everything I can on my laptop all day today 

I’ll be posting an update that has the spelling errors fixed. My apologies for those 

What's the app. I found insights and stars but that's all the apps I see

Also for Android build, there's a bug where west district is completely unavailable. Can only go to downtown, home, neighborhood, and park

Anyone know how to unlock the other kinks. I really want the mpreg one and the others too