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A member registered Nov 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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that's somehow sadder..

Really amazing, have a feeling this will win but unclear about the theme.. is it invisible connection?

Also heres a bug, your player can get stuck under the platform if they use the bat abilities while falling and the platforms appear

(1 edit)

Pretty sure you dont get my point. Lemme break down the player experience

-Let's see what this game is about
-Controls make sense, Pet power? i wonder what that could be.. Ill try it out
-*starts game* oh im on a platform.. it's fading dark.. oh now im falling?? what was i supposed to do??
-*plays the second time* only one block is still green, maybe i have to go there *presses shift and goes there only to realize it was too far away
-*plays a few times, sometimes you get lucky and the end platform is close, but more often than not it's really far*
-*presses E* ohhhh i can fly on this bat???? and i can sprint too??? wow thats a good feature. and theres a fly count? so i cant fly more than that
-*plays a few times with the bat power and eveerything goes smoothly until you run out of the number of times to fly* man, this game is impossible
-*leaves* Let's play something better

Key Takeaways:

-The time it takes for the platforms to disappear is really low compared to the players reaction time
-No indication for the platform until it's almost falling down
-The sprint takes too long to regenerate
-Sometimes even sprinting to the end point wont get it so you have to use your bat power
-You succeed a few times and get the high score to 5-10 but then you have exhausted your bat powers so it's literally impossible to reach the end platform fast enough
-You die

Hope this has helped you realise the flaws with your design. It quite literally doesnt work out. The game cannot be categorized as hard or easy anymore. It quite literally is impossible after a certain point. Balancing means making the game possible for the long run so that the high score makes sense instead of just depending on the game to give you the platforms closer to your player all the time.

Great concept and initiation, i would be wrong if i said i didn't have fun. Needs fixing on the difficulty curve because it starts getting really tough after 1:30 mark and maybe resetting of coins(not if this was meant to be a feature). Needs optimization because when the game crosses 1:30 and starts spawning more and more shapes, the expensive path finding and particles make the game lag (There may be external factors but these are the obvious ones)

at some point, the exit or the player entrance is just blocked by all bombs so its impossible to progress without resetting the seed. i have seen a 7 at the exit lmao

Fun mechanics but weak core gameplay, gets boring after the first minute

3D goofy angry birds. Needs polishing and consistency across levels

Game needs time balancing and smoothening

Really buggy, the controls don't function right. The game feels like you have to escape from the robots but you're in an open area, extremely slow, cannot counter and the enemies have aimbot.