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A member registered Apr 28, 2022

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(1 edit)

My game is bugged out I can't roll anymore after prestige if I upgrade anything

>  Save

Link to save

What I tried was importing the save to see if it fixes the issue, which seemed to work but after a few rolls the game would soft lock itself again, I'm unsure how to proceed as it's fairly tedious to keep importing a save after 3-10 rolls or sometimes even less. 

How tf does the propogation even work? It seems like it's really random whether it bounces or not!

Often times obvious moves that should work will not work, moving stacks of cards is very finicky and it only works when the game feels like it 

What the fuck does each of the upgrades even do? Like why's there no descriptions -.-

wasd doesn't work for movement

Honestly it would be nice to see a detailed graph on where my emissions are coming from so then I could make more educated spending decisions instead of randomly buying the cheapest options 

The maid has the telegram but she won't give it to me, after asking what she want's she just fucks off to god knows where, there doesn't appear to be anything else to do in the game, am I missing something? 

I'm using the browser version, yes.

Wtf I press new game it tells me no save data found...
And there's nothing I can do after that

Did you even play test this shit, at year 8 you spawn so many enemies that the whole screen is basically just bullets, and the fact that the gun shoots in random directions is so unbelievably unhelpful it's insane? 

Only thing I don't like is that you have to connect the line to the exactly middle of the dot, I wish it had a little bit of snap to it so that, because as I get the hang of it, it got really frustrating that I had to be pinpoint accurate with it. 

10+ for sure, I just assumed that it did nothing and quit eventually. 

I could no figure out what does the pregnancy chance meter do after many many days of cycling at 75% I didn't get a new scene or even dialog, is this an unfinished feature? 

No new content in 1.0.3?

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Can't be asked to go through lvl 1 again and again? Just afk in this spot instead, can't be killed or even damaged, perfect for lazy people!

What are you supposed to do on the 5th one? the cursor ingame is stuck on the button of the fucking screen and nothing I do makes it move up, it seems random how it moves to say the least. 

Yeah, but that's such shit design, why not put the price somewhere else and just put "buy" or something of the sort on the button instead?  

There's no right answer, it tells me that the Highlight is both purple and green at the same time?

I do not think that the upgrade add +1 arrow to your bow is necessary, it kinda breaks the game :D 

Wave 2 seems impossible to beat none of the available upgrades do enough to make it possible to get by it. Perhaps I'm missing something? But I seem to have tried all 4 of the available upgrades and I still get overrun

Merge 1000 balls is it even possible with the aggressive price scaling? Because unless I'm unaware of something it would take more than a day of straight afk to make that work...

Your attack speed just feels so shit...

I think I soft locked myself, I can't find a way to get back to that platform after I died on top of it -.- 

Upgrades in science tree are maybe too powerful, lack of variety of planets is also not very engaging, also I couldn't help but notice that there's no 'GameOver' state? 

If that's the case then in the base game it might be legit impossible to protect the base the footprint of the base makes it very unlikely that by the time the first wave spawns I will have enough wave clear to clear 10+ different enemies attacking the monument at the same time. In the single attempt I tried I lost more than 70% of the bases health just from wave 1. 

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This is probably the most buggy game I have ever played,
For starters the character often decided to move to attack even though you just inputted a right click command to move anyways, secondly sometimes if you have too many enemies on screen you will inexplicably die for no rime or reason, third after the 6minute timer vanished and  a considerable time had passed my character got teleported to the gravestone with all the surrounding enemies and I instantly died, this happened twice(both of the times I tried playing this)

Also, I found yet an other bug, you can waste the 3rd trait uses even when you have your attack on cd. 

If you press ESC and then Run info it will show the seed on top left. Note that you for some reason can't exit the Run info screen with the ESC key. 

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I think mastery 12 debuf is too punishing it makes it so that 1/10 or so runs are even plausible to clear D1, you simply do not have the stats to deal with purple and yellow enemies reliably and in orderly fashion, there's the odd run that has the elite rng necessary that allows you to successfully pass it but I personally think it's neither fun or challenging when the only challenge is for your patience to wait for that one run that's playable. 

Seed: 706062534

play on master 10 :D

I had one Ring as the first Epic upgrade yet it actually didn't give me 4 stat ups? The only stats that changed where attack speed(0.7>0.67), MP reg(10>8), Knockback(0.3>0.35). Every other stat stayed the same.

The last boss proved to be surprisingly challenging but with 70 arrow bois nothing could stop me from claiming the victory, thank you for the experience.  

Entered the third room in the brown level the screen started shaking super hard and then game just crashed. Loved the game otherwise! 

How do you play this game? 

Fucking hell why add fast moving enemy on the second wave? If you have shit rng you just instantly die on it