Cool! A nice blend of multiple 3d editors.
What exactly would "single mission" be? Like a mode separated from the campaing? And regarding a mission editor, i'm sure people would be interested in that!
nice! did you used crocotile3d to create the scenarios?
very nice!
not bad for MyFirstGameJam, did you do the art yourself?
Wow you updated it! awesome!
Job great dude my
Great job my dude
Legitimately awesome! Nice humor as well
Awesome! Keep up the nice work.
Hey, no worries :) It's probably some compatibility issue with my computer and Unreal.
Pretty fun and funny!
Whenever I try to start the game it crashes, opening the Unreal crash reporter :(
Really nice game for a Construct project :)
Brings back memories of Bushido Blade. Awesome game!
Nice! Really brings back a few memories of RE survivor
Awesome, although really hard. Voted on greenlight, good luck!
Pretty fun damage physics, awesome :)
Awesome game!
Boa sorte com esse jogo Kuupu :)
Just voted on greenlight, good luck!
Awesome game man! Really diggin the art style.