Omg I’m so glad you found some humour in that, it seems to be our main criticism so far hahaha
Check back once the jam is done, we’re hoping to update everything and add new content! Hopefully some more jank will make you laugh
You’re too kind!!
It was all super fun to work on, we were literally crying with laughter cooking up certain parts of it!!
All known bugs and annoying parts have been noted, and will hopefully all be fixed when we update after the jam! We have tons of new features ready to add, so please check back when we do!!
Glad you enjoyed! Inspired by recent events and working 9-5, so I guess the bleakness had to be there haha
And I’m super glad you commented on the silly art! We wanted it to feel a bit slapdash, like a collage.
We’ve got more microgames ready to implement after the jam, just didn’t have time to code and also sleep healthy amounts! We hope you check back when we update!