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A member registered Aug 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you for trying the game and giving us feedback!

We might eventually come back to it one day, but we need a break from this very complicated combo system.

Hey, I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed it!

We had quite a lot of problems with invincibility frames and stuff in this project, we are aware of the issues, however the system itself is quite complicated so fixing all of the problems is a pain that takes a lot of time.

The stomp was supposed to be an area-wide attack that checks your reaction time, but we understand now it's probably a very infuriating attack from the boss.

Funnily enough the game was supposed to be challenging, yet it seems like spamming attacks is usually enough to defeat the boss.

Anyway, thank you a lot for trying it!

Hey, thank you for the feedback!
It was one of our main ideas to make it a challenging game since it was supposed to be composed solely out of bossfights, but we didn't have enough time and feedback to properly test it.

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing the demo, and thanks for your feedback!

However, we already decided to drop the project.

Oh and also yes, it's 3d, just rendered at a lower res with some tricks pulled