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Softporn only nodirt

A member registered Apr 11, 2021

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no acess to SS.

waiting for page 53. I know another artist who had a limitted amount of subscriber and so use itchio for other that want early access, one artst in the same istuation thanyou and that is it. ALl teh other use Ko-Fi discord combinaison patreon and prime leap combinaison or patreon and discord combinaisons, where it is the applications that automaticly post it.


how many pages out there?

Merci? Comment ça merci?

Thorugh SS but like SS banned myc rad this year.

It is going to close now.... have you planne dfor an alternative?

You know that there was an artist that was making comics and aksing r ddox to translate in polish. And erm well. The artist went "I quit delete all my work." And he stop midway the publication of his last comic. Except redox had acess to all the finish pages that he had already tranaslated. he leaked them in polish.

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Yhea I realised that, I felt incredibly stupid when I jsut remember.
EEErrmm talking about the public oen I saw reddox coorise teh firts pages. What about the rest if you keep for yoruserlf? You know reddox don't like transating or colorising comic for nothing.

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I have a new card I tried paying on SS but apparently this wo'nt work too.
51 is leaked 52 is not leaked so that is page 2 yhea I will wiat for page 54. Unlike sisgamble 2.
Ho heck I can't wait, this way it will be done. Wait there is only page 51 and not 52...

By the way I have a question... What about sis gamble 2?

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Ho O.K, tank a lot. How many pages is there yet? 1.
I will pay when teh 4th page is out. I mean fully finished. You are at page 63 in lineart.
Ho wait not it  for sis gamble 2.... I could pay for that too you know.

Most people who couldn't pay on SS went to pirate site but those are bit slow o catch up with your work in particular. so I assume some of them will prefer thsi alternative.

You finaly noticed? I had to upprade to a new computor to have them not be an issue anymore.The problem in in teh laoding of animations. They toakes ages to load.

One other alternative use discord, like you have people use ko-fi or patreon, and then once they pay they can get patreon or Kofi to not only join the discord or them but give them a special role and you post SS content here in a special chanell where only peopel with the correct role can acess. Infinitydoom have this. He even multipel server and one dedicated only for his Ko-fi sub.

But I guess patreon isn't an option.

But it work with Cofee or buy me a cofee too.Also if we choose this option I would like the suff with Side B settle, I know he is trying to act in a responsible manner but for me it is as if he was acting like saddistic powermod.
I can pay you there and you uploead the comic on inkbunny for friendonly. Did that with horemheb before a certaind rama got by inkbunny account banned. i sucefully made an under the nose of the admins and it worked for a while until I tried contacting you for this. So this will be tricky but possible I just need to make a very sneaky alt again and have you befriend multiples peoples at once. I am sure other people will like this to be an alternative. Like 20 bucks tips 5 Buck = a moth friendship for like 4 months.

And I need to find a way to communicate the account name. But not here. I tried your fanmad eserver, to find a middleman, but since ratcha server closed and I dared talked about in on Kitsune youkai server.....

Side-B won't let it slide, nicky told him about certain drama that happenend on ratcha's server, and she could have exagerated or lied as usual, she did this back in the past. And basicly he is banning on sight without any dialogues. We could try my twitter but my Twitter is politicly charge and I would like our convo to remain private if we negociate here. And you to not pannick. My politics are not compatible iwtht being a furry.

I want to find a palce where we can disucss paiment can we?

Found it.

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What are the shinies for? I think I missed something here.

P.S I found teh Island and started the shiny quest but It still sya teh same crap as before.

I can't get to the beach nor I have found teh lady is it already here in the game or this just some tease?

O.K found it was jsut missing something indeed.

I can't solve the second figure puzzle, I think I get it but somehow it doesn't work, is it buggued? Or not implemented yet?

I dowloaded the game from here and A lot of stuff are blocked by WIP sign. ... Work In Prorgess, so I assummed that to acess this unfinished content you had to be a tester and paid a special tier on substar or something...
Also aside from new extra training, I don't see the new content. I can't finish the quest I started at the library, I can't get new levels I am still stuck at 10 because I don't get to fight new monsters and the secret boss.. Well I either die or disapoint her just like in previous update.

What is the WIP acess? Are peopel dowloading from substar do'nt get it?

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I have rchecked It can take up to 7 hits, so 8 hist to get destroyed. But this not enough. And for the wall, what wall I am a solarus veteran, in Solarus games they are a lot of muzzle that can be solved.
And in DX the last level sword is hidden withina  secret minidungeon hidden in a other dungeon and to access it you need to hugs walls.
So it was one of my very first reflexes. Asuming there must a be a secret shortrcut.
Either I don't live to my reputation, you didn't implemented it correctly, or you meant something else and then  I have to destroy more vines that the chest have hits.

P.S  spoiler.

At the very end you meant..... There is not tall rock here. Because the tile behind teh tall rock at the bottom doesn't lead anywhere.

About the chest room, so you are forced to destoy 2 bushed from the get go. and you have to destroy 5 after so 7 total but the chest only has 6 HP.
How is that possible and fair?

The chest room is impossible to pass without breaking the chest so you got 2 bush to mandatory  destroy and then you get it . Then you are allowed to destroy 4 mroe bushes.
But in every pathway possible you got 5 to destroy. Unless  you must evele up to unlock a swimining ability...
I am good at puzzle game, I have played solarus, this must be a problem on the dev end. I need to find a wayto save edit the chest HP and had 1. The file is readble via RPGmaker save edit.

I also read something about a monster. spawning in this room udner very specific conditions....