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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Maybe the fish can be closer to the camera in the beginning, to let player having more time to react.

That's a thing in to-do list that no time to finish lol

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! Sure will work on the control feedback & animation.

Thank you~


Just find out I type "minute" instead of "second"... Thanks for replying, good to know your thought :)

Thanks a lot! Fun and quite challenging. Glad I didn't skip this one!

Too bad I'm not clever enough lol

Slow Reading Joyce – … as long as it takes

Is there a downloadable version? It runs really slow in my browser ;(

The light source from character looks good. But can't tell if I should avoid or eating the round thing coming toward.

The hue looks balance, and minigames do well. But it'll be better if the countdown stop while game host (octopus) explaining rules.

Need access to download.

The particle effect looks amazing, so does the sound effect. I can't help but expect more "under water" mechanics in this game.

Doesn't see any playable file

What a cute octopus<3

Gameplay is good, with a easy "how to play" page will be better.

Good one.

Random thought: maybe you can't go up, and if there's no block holding you downward, you'll drown.

The monitor works really well. The wrench swing quite short, so it's hard to know if I'm swinging or not it especially beneath water.

Enjoying the mild music and awkward (but cute) sprite, suddenly, I blast and blood comes out. I have trauma now.

Fairly good game though.

Fun to play! Canon and barrel works well in defending. But the water recharges a bit slow imo.

The opening plot is confusing but hilarious. Drown first time and make her angry the second time. Also like the game ending selection.

Can't survive more than 10s ;(

It's super duper hard before I notice that I can crouch. After that, it's fun to play before the 30s level, which I can't figure out how to beat it :P

This is DEFINITELY a little something that I would love to play after work of before sleep. So satisfying and cute, especially lantern fish with target<3 

The octopus and the kraken part let me think it is that kind of game that hide dark theme in cute games, glad it's not! (but sure have the potential to be one)

I love the simplicity of gameplay and graphic. Maybe let the hole appear less frequently at the start 10-15 sec would increase more playability.

The idea is great, but can't figure out how the scoring works and what coral do.

Cute submarine. Hoping to have a early ending when all the weeds are cured.

Surprisingly fun and intuitive to play!

Win in second round.

But where is the naive fish in the cover? lol

I split my coffee when hearing the hyped music and seeing the shrimp swimming "frontward"...

You have a good sense of humor that I personally respect.

Beyond that, making obstacle and food more distinguishable would be better.

Great pixel!

Put me some time to figure out how to reload and the fact that I can't walking and shoot in different direction.

(1 edit)

It's a puzzle that I fail to solve...

Maybe having a quick and easy level first, that helps player to know what's all about?

Though the humming music is quite fit.

So... it won't sink even I do nothing, right?

Not sure if the "X" and small plate would fix the hole or not.

But the hue with the BGM make it delightful to play.

Tried several times and barely pass the "3-shark tunnel".

Since you have high score recorded, maybe it's a good idea to make it easier? Or at least the first few minute imo.

Press "dive in" and stuck ;(

Maybe it's because of my low laptop RAM?

Love the idea!

I used to play these toy as a child, happy to see it become digital! lol

Might be great to add more Rick to fish :P

(in tutorial) "......ok, seems it's just a demo, I can understand it should be easy..."

(#1 level) "Fxxk! I'm trapped!! I NEED OXYGEN!!!"

The material you choose really make the immersion(puns?) great, looking forward to other level and feature!

Is this from the old toy we used to play?

Love the idea. It probably can expand to be a great soothing game :)