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A member registered Jul 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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From the graphics, the game seems to be nice. Sadly i can't run it ( will avoid voting ). From what i red W7 supports up to Python 3.8, while teh game is compiled with Python 3.11

I think zooming camera out a bit would feel more comfortable, because sometimes when i jumped i ended up falling down the map and adding collider on bottom of the map to detect whenever a player has "fallen down" would let you easily restart the map.
Keep up the work and something nice might come out of it.

I don't know if its just for me, but the boss fights were bugged. Sometimes i would advance towards "higher" tables, but most of the times i would be left with no opponent and only thing i could do was to abandon table and hope it works on next try. Didnt manage to try the combos, because the highest i got was Table 30.
Planet changing is probably available only after beating the boss, because nothing happend when i clicked on the them.
Should my cards be selected in CardShop ? I noticed i can select a few there ( maybe 5 out of 20 unlocked ), but if they were not selected they wouldn't get shuffled on my hand at all.

Overall it looks nice, music fits the concept, if i misunderstood some mechanics and thats why things didnt work for me, let me know.

Im from Poland :)
Now that i know, that i will have playable build i feel ok with writing anything.