if you hover over their character slot it shows what you need to do to unlock them
Sokpop Collective
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It's already out on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2618090/Mistward/
What's more, if you buy it on itch.io, it actually also comes with a Steam key!
We will not send any lawyers after you if you pirate our game, so you probably won't go to jail, but just be careful that you don't accidentally download any malicious software when trying to pirate! I don't think anyone's put this game up for free yet since it's so small, though... Sorry you can't afford it!
Best of luck,
- Ruben
Hi, a lot of people had trouble with the green stone. It's unlikely that it disappeared completely, but maybe you've pushed it behind something unknowingly while walking?
In any case, I've changed that specific part of the game in v1.3 to prevent such a thing from happening again. Read more: https://sokpop.itch.io/frogs-adventure/devlog/576568/v13-bug-fixes
Thanks for reporting the issue!
You probably don't have DirectX yet or you are missing a driver either way. You can download the necessary driver for free with this link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=35
Let me know if it works!