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A member registered Dec 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello! My name is Solon and I have a YouTube channel about RPG Maker! I made a video about your game and found it really fun to play, so congrats! Here's the video. It's in Portuguese, because I'm from Brazil.

Saudações! Esse eu não cheguei a jogar até o final, mas assim como no jogo Cavaleiros Natalinos, nota-se a grande facilidade que o autor tem em criar seus personagens. Aqui, todos os personagens tem características muito distintas dentro e fora de batalha, cada um fala do seu jeito e cada um encara o mundo a sua própria maneira. Destaque para o bardo Richard, que é um daqueles personagens heroicos que ajudam o próximo pelo simples prazer de ajudar. Enquanto muitos acham que isso é clichê, eu já acho que esse tipo de personagem faz falta nos jogos de RPG que eu joguei recentemente. 

As batalhas continuam lindas, assim como em Cavaleiros Natalinos, bem como as músicas e a parte sonora como um todo. 

O jogo já começa com tudo. Depois de uma bela apresentação, já começamos na primeira dungeon do jogo, e ela não é das mais fáceis, por isso joguem com cuidado! É um jogo bem curtinho, mas deixo aqui a minha recomendação!

Joguei do início ao fim e posso dizer que o jogo é muito bem feito. O autor tem um jeito bem peculiar de escrever os diálogos, e rapidamente você entende que tipo de jogo está jogando. 

Os personagens são bem trabalhados, e cada um tem suas próprias características dentro e fora da batalha. É muito interessante ver a interação entre eles, e como cada um lida de forma diferente com os desafios que se apresentam diante do grupo.

As batalhas são muito equilibradas, e as animações de batalha estão entre as mais bonitas que eu já vi em um jogo de RPG Maker. Eu joguei no modo mais difícil, e algumas batalhas podem ser bem demoradas nesse nível de dificuldade, mas existe a função de acelerar as animações, caso você seja um jogador mais apressado.

A história também é interessante, envolvendo conceitos complexos como dimensões diferentes, e o próprio Papai Noel dá as caras por aqui, atuando como um tipo de guia para os nossos heróis. 

Gostei muito também da parte sonora, especialmente os sons de batalha, que lembram bastante os sons de Final Fantasy. Acho que eles combinaram perfeitamente com as animações.

O jogo é curto, mas tem bastante conteúdo, além de segredos no pós jogo. Por tudo isso, deixo aqui a minha recomendação!

Muito obrigado! Espero que se divirta com o jogo! :)

Hey! Thanks a lot for this amazing pack!

Yeah! Would be great! I am thinking of making a really simple and small game, so we will only need a few songs. But it will still be an RPG, so let me know if you have an idea for a storyline when we discover the theme.

Stranger Jam community · Created a new topic RPG Maker?

Hello. I'm thinking in joining this Jam, but the RPG Maker MV is the only engine I know how to use. Is someone else using RPG Maker want to join?

Thank you! People are complaining it's a little too hard, so if you have no experience in turn based battles, I suggest you play in the easy mode.I hope you have fun. :)

Wow, I didn't know there was a character in Suikoden 2 with my name. Solon is my real name, and Wise is just a tribute to SamWise Gamgee, my favourite character ever, but I don't remember exactly when I begin to use this username. :)

Man, I can't believe these games are here on I remember playing these games around 2005, and I remember that they were some of the best RPG Maker games I ever seen. The protagonist of Legion Saga 2 is Nastra, right? I still remember bits of the main plot, and I remember an archer girl looking for her friend Antui. On Legion Saga 3 I remember two siblings fighting in the main city of Legion Saga 1, and the older one ask for a card or something. Cardico, maybe? Well, problably I'm wrong with the names, but anyway, I just wanted to say these games rocks! Congratulations and thank you for teach me a lot of things on game dev. I still make games on RPG Maker, and I always will remember the Legion Saga. :)

Hey, thank you so much for testing my game. There is a new version avaliable for download, with all bugs corrected, so I sugest you to download it if you are planning to play the game again in the future. You can even use your current game save.

The game was indeed meant to be a challenge, that's why I put an easy mode. But I think that after a while, the player will learn how to play the game, saving money making good decisions, exactly like happened with you.

Ps. Amazing how your clan name was perfect for you in you first gameplay, right? :)

Oh, I got it. Brozag's skills makes him assume an animal stance during all battle, and depending on his stance, he gains 3 new skills. The Bear Stance grants him the skills Bear paw, Bearthquake and Bloody bear. Once the battle is over, the stance goes off, and so the three skills, but he can assume the stance again in whenever you want.
You are right, maybe it's a bit to confusing for a first time player, but I'm preparing a game manual. :)

Thank you for the review! I would like to answer some parts of your comment:

Story: Well, I admit the game has a simple main story, but my main focus was to tell the reasons all the characters have to fight in the arena, as well their relationships with each others. As the player reaches in the Silver Division, the antagonist appears, and depending on who is the main character (Aaron or Nadine), the player will learn more about the main plot of the game.

Characters: My main focus on the characters was to make all of them viable in battle. I want the player can play with their favorites, and I want their favorites to be useful, so I spend a lot of time thinking in their attributes, equipment and skills.

Writing: That was, without a doubt, my main flaw, but thanks to a good friend of mine, all writing errors was corrected, and the current version available to download has near zero errors. There is a LOT of text in the game, and maybe I couldn't correct them all yet, but I'm sure I will do this in the final version.

Mapping: Well, The Mighty Clan is a One Map Game, it’s a challenge, and so the Adventus map is the only one during all gameplay. That's why the shop owners are outside the houses.

Art: I can't draw, so I did improvise with internet images and battle backgrounds in the expedition’s scenes.

Creative design: There are three things I had in mind when making The Mighty Clan: The game has to be a strong replay value; the game must be challenging, and the game has to be funny to do a speedrun, and this speedrun is based on the days the player spend to beat the game, or how quick the player can have a score of 100%. Yeah, there is a score system already working on the game, but it will only appear in the final version.

Gameplay: I did some changes, and now all the salesman will not repeat the opening line, neither the mercenary at the tavern will tell their stories again.

About the skill's descriptions, I really think it is well explained. Take a look at the Aaron's first skill description:

Dual attack in a single foe.

Attributes: STR and GUT. May critical.

It's a dual attack, hits only one foe, is based on Strength and Guts attributes, and there is a chance it will land a critical hit. A based it in the pokémon attacks descriptions.

About saving, like I said before, I wanted this game to be a challenge and if the player can save before every single battle it is not a challenge at all. But the player can save whenever he wants, even before all battles, but it will cost him money. Each saving scroll is only 75 Zenary, and you can buy it anytime with the alchemist. It's not a big deal

Technical: The bug you have appointed is already solved, and I thank you for that. I think I would never see that bug by myself.

Music:  Here my only role was to choose the best music I could find and put it in the right places. The real heroes here are the composers. Sound: Same as music, but I admit that voice acting would be great in this game.


Once again, I would like to thank you for this amazing review. I hope you can download the final version and to it again. And I also hope that with the full version of The Mighty Clan I can get a better score. Hahaha!

Wow, I didn't expect that. Thank you so much for this. Maybe I can help you with whatever information you need.

Thanks! I hope everybody have fun playing it.

Amazing work! This game made me think about art, loneliness and life itself. The concept about the drawings is unique! I had never seen anything like that before in a game.