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Solus Factor

A member registered Dec 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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This jam could be expanded into a regular-size game. You could be a person working as a professional cleaner, so in each level you clean some new settings with progressive difficulty. And it's not your mom, but your nasty boss that checks how you did at the end :)

Novel idea + nice pixel art, it could be really popular!

Darn. I guess I will continue to squint :)

Another thing: how all the clean things stay clean after I removed 5 giant dirt spots with them? Bug? I expected them to become dirty.

Nice game. Is there any way to run it fullscreen?

Fantastic idea! Why don't you finish it and turn into a real game? It can be big!

I will try again later today, but honestly, it's confusing. You probably don't want to explain this to every new user :-)

The default should be auto-connect, and then for the edge case you explain how to avoid it.

Looks good, but why on earth don't roads auto-connect and auto-rotate on corners? Couldn't figure out how to build roads so stopped playing for now.