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A member registered Mar 19, 2019

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In my experience, I would say it is just as effective as any other medium teachers use (books, movies, tv, comics, articles). I don't have clear evidence that it is the best way to teach, but it is definitely a way that should be taught. Every student learns differently and that one student who has been having a difficult time grasping a concept may finally understand after interacting with a game. These lessons have been some of my more fruitful lessons. They don't replace any of my traditional teaching methods, but they are a great addition/supplement to my course. 

As with any other medium, teachers should be teaching with materials they are comfortable using. I don't plan on having a majority of teachers begin to use video games. I want teachers who are already familiar with video games to see them as a source for education. There are very few materials out there that actually explain how to teach with games so I wanted to share. Video games are great, and with the right teacher implementing them, they will be among the most rewarding lessons of each year.

Did you just say what I said using different words?

(1 edit)

Hey everyone. I recently made a website where I create lesson plans for teachers and educators to use video games in their classrooms. It's called Hey Listen Games. You can find it here

I've often looked for lessons to teach, but have never been able to find actual pre-made lessons using video games. So I've made a bunch of my own. They include lesson plans, handouts, and presentations.  I'm posting here, because there are some great games and projects going on in this community and I figured I would reach out to see if anyone wanted me to make a lesson out of one of their video games that could be taught in school. I teach in a high school for reference. It takes me a little while to make each lesson since I have to play the game first, but if you think you have/know of something that could be useful, please let me know and I'll add it to my list of lessons to make.  

Anyways, I hope it's okay to somewhat self promote. I'm doing all of this for free and not looking for any money. I just want more people to realize that video games can be a great source of education and a lot of the people here can definitely contribute. 

- Zack