my idea to beat it to use no camera and only use sound cues
Recent community posts
Now, if your having problems on night 4 the only real important cameras are the hallways, everytime you use the cameras change from the right hallway to left hallway and when you close monitor check pico, thats it, oh and if you have at 2 AM 50% dont worry, it happened to me and I still could beat Night 4, so dont worry
also for some reason on night 3 tera and gobo exchange hallways, and another thing if tera or gobo is atacking always check the other hallway, there may be the other guy on there, and where your ready to detain picos atack first check the 2 hallways to see if there's someone ready to atack, if so close their door no matter if they're still not there, that way it's more easy to avoid a jumpscare while being with Pico
I havent played the since like 4 months ago, so my memory is not really good but if your having troubles on night 1 and nights 2 and 3 (which you sholdnt) this is my idea to help you! Always check the right hallway for Tera and time for time check where is Gobo, but always have an eye on Tera because gobo shows you his/her eyes before atacking, and for Pico everytime you hear his mechanic sound of standing up spam him with flashlight
I found a bug with, Lazysoar's plushie and an AdGren18's plushie, when you purchase Lazysoar's plush and click equip and then go to AdGren18's plushie the "unequip" button is still on AdGren18's plushie and when I click it, it stays like unequip and doenst changes to equip, I want to also say that when this bug happened I still didnt had AdGren18,s plushie, so I still had to buy it, this all happened on the website (I play the game here, not on the app)