sorry for replying 2 months late, there is already a way to skip it. When it gives you the knife and pitons, youll wanna go to the very beginning of the level, and use the pitons to reach the vines at the top of the specific room. This however skips some of the early levels, too, but can easily be replayed for the effect.
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to defeat her you need to watch her patterns and use your skills against her. I'd reccomend using the fox transformation against her as the abilities increase in power the more you have at ready.
Using the wolf pelt can also help, as when equipped she add hypnosis points instead of damages you, which if you get lucky and gain the Juggernaut ability, can easily remove the hypnosis points and get back into the fight.
Also try to have some quick attacks too, as they can deal quick damage before she can even move.
Hope this helps!
you can make her appear by either constantly interacting with Freddy's boobs on the poster in your office, constantly changing cams between the closet (next to the kitchen) and any other cam until you get the Golden Freddy poster, or in custom night input "6-9-6-9" for their level. I forgot if the 3rd one triggers the scene but the office poster DOESN'T.
hope this helps
I noticed in the files that the maps for movement are all individual images with the character's position. Not trying to criticize your methods but I was thinking if it might be easier to have the position a separate PNG from the map to save (maybe) not only file size, but also some time?
I might not know much about coding but i think a few extra lines of code could help with the unnecessary image files.
just noticed a little typo when playing. In the office if you have the left light on, the button to turn the right light on says "Right Light Om"
ill edit if i find more typos
yeah didnt take long to find another. If you choose to not flash toy chica in the vent, the end of the first text says "your eyes nearly bulge out of your eyes aat the sight." Also (same part) it says "gigles" instead of "giggles"
btw please dont take this as criticism im just trying to help