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A member registered Nov 12, 2020

Recent community posts

I play on IOS with a keyboard and every time i try to get the handjob bath scene it blacks out and all i see is the smoke which then has an endless loading screen after, any reason why, and is there anyway i can fix it? I really like this game and i dont have enough money to buy an actual pc but after the recent update it keeps having those endless loading screens, please help and thank you!

will this ever work on iOS? This game looks very promising from what I’ve seen and I’d love to play it but my poor ass can’t get a PC. Thanks!

I swear to fuck finding this game is like the discovery of fire. This game is one of the best and it’s gotten a hell of a lot better since the Morgan trust route in now in production. I’m totally looking forward to the updates and the Morgan story

ah, alright then. Keep up the good work, this game is probably one of the best I’ve played!

I love this game and all but is this really the end of Diana content? Also I’m stuck on the game, after I saw all of what’s supposed to be Diana content and now it keeps saying I had a great conversation with both Diana and Suzy. Is the story not finished yet or what?