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A member registered Feb 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

1st Place 

Twilight Memoria
Score: 8.05 

Runner Up

The Legend of Rokuni
Score: 6.15


Score: 5.95 

Mission of Survival : Mist Island
Score: 4.9 


For the winner and participant, please do contact us via email or facebook to receive your rewards.

For more detail of the scoring, we gave each game in depth impression.

Please do try and play their games if you have time and give them applause to finish and submit their game in this contest.


Thank you for this great experience and see you all in the next contest.

Thank you for everyone that participated in this contest.
We will rate and give you the result of judging within a week.

Please do tell us if you have any suggestion or correction for us to create better contest.

List of Tools We Recommended 


Assets & Other Software:

If you have other recommendation please do share here for public to see.

Something2Create community · Created a new topic FAQ!

Please do post your question here.

The resulting answer will be compiled for next event.

(5 edits)

Prizes and Bonus Auctions!

Winner Prizes!

For the 1st winner :

  1. Marketing and Editorial support to publish their game in steam at the very least 3 months after this competition..
  2. Choosing two bundles of development book and tools from the modules
  3. The rights of Intellectual Property is hold by developers.
  4. The organizer won't publish anything related to the product without consent from the winner.
  5. The details of sales, marketing, and publishing related will be discussed with the winner at least one month after the competition.

For the Runner Up :

  1. 4 Steam Games of choosing
  2. Choosing two bundles of development book and tools from the modules

For the Participants that submitting a game :

  • A random pick steam key games from the host(as available)

Additional Rewards

  • Software or Tutorial Pick from the host(as available)

Modules of Learning and Assets for game development

  • Blender 3D Animation E Book Module
  • Unreal Engine Development  E Book Module
  • Unity Game Development E Book Module
  • Machine Learning E Book Module
  • UX User Experience E Book Module
  • Project Planning E Book Bundle
  • Facerig Pro Software
  • Juice & Pixel FX

For people that want to know more about it, here is the complete list for the rewards

Bonus Auctions

Bonus Auctions is an after event for the developers to auctioning their share of royalty for the sponsors to buy for their minimum estimated budget. 

Developers Requirement 

  1. The team need clear the submission and not disqualified for the final scoring.
  2. The team need to submit Game Document, Project Schedule, and Estimated Budget for their games.
  3. The team need to sign an agreement with sponsors on their own name.
  4. The team need to finish the game as in the agreement with their sponsor.
  5. The team will be responsible for all money use, taxes, and fees associated with their sponsors.
  6. The team need to agree that the share of royalty only in affect after the budget has returned fully to the sponsors.
  7. Something2 will only become an intermediate for both parties, as the one responsible for the sponsor is the team leader.

Sponsors Rights & Obligations

  1. The sponsor has the right to receive all the revenue from the game until the amount auctioned has fulfilled.
  2. The sponsor has the right to monitor and support the developer team.
  3. The sponsor has the right to be credited in the game.
  4. The sponsor has the obligation to give the developers full amount of the development budget auctioned.
  5. The sponsor cannot revoke their support to the developer except in some extreme case. (project abandonment, moonlight flit) 
  6. Something2 will not receive any of the games budget that successfully auctioned.
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We are searching for a complete and commercial game to boost Local Indie Developer Community. Though the submitted game can be not fully done at the time of submission we hope that it can finished at the most 3 months after.

30% for Gameplay/Story

The gameplay includes any part of the game that the player can interact with that gives feedback in the form of meaningfully different reactions from the game. This includes both the mechanisms used and their execution. You want a game that people want to play as much as they want to experience! 

25% for Originality

The originality of the game is about how much of the game assets and idea that you have created by yourself. New, unique idea and the logic implemented will affect the score greatly.

20% Presentation

This point includes quality of the visual art, music, and sound effects used in the game, as well as how well they are used to convey the story and/or gameplay to the player. You want good writing, good music, and good art! The engagement of the game measures how well the game draws the judge in. How much the game makes the judge want to play more or experience more of the game. This can be due to a “fun factor” or some other method of hooking players in. You want to have a solid hook that keeps the players playing!

15% Technical Aspects

Since we are looking for completely finished and polished games, we expect the games to have minimal level of bugs and glitches. Bugs are hard to eliminate! As such, any bug that is not game ending will not result in a penalty to your score. A bug that makes the game unplayable in the first 10 minutes of gameplay will result in disqualification. A bug after the first 10 minutes will have to be judged solely on the merits of what the judge was able to play, with a penalty to overall score.

10% Bonus Popularity

We are searching for a commercial game, and this means popularity. This point is for those the team that understand how to use social media and marketing. To be an Indie Game Developer is not only to make a great games, but also surviving using those games you have created. So we will monitor the Social Media(only Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) and their Itch Page for the team in the date the competition is progressing. The point will be looked at three factors: engagement,  followers, and download count.

Additionally, to make sure that your game can be published at least three months after competition, we will give the participant the help they needed for like assets, tools, or maybe a promoter to further polishing their brand and product.

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  1. Development on contest entries should be started after the beginning of the contest (October 10th, 2019). Commissions for the contest should also be started after the beginning of the contest. Pre-existing assets that were not created specifically for the contest are allowed. If the game is developed before the contest time, It will not accepted if it already published, crowdfunded, or winning another contest.
  2. Games must be submitted before the deadline (Midnight GMT, January, 10th 2020). LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Make sure not to submit last minute to avoid missing the deadline.
  3. Games can be developed using any engine, please go to Resources and Tools to see the engines we recommended.
  4. Game Length: Judges will be required to evaluate a game for minimal 1 hour. 
  5. You must have the right to use all software, resources, and tools involved in the creation of the game that legally obtained. Please make sure to accredit resource creators in a text file included with your game.
  6. There is no limit on the size of the development team. You can have one person or 10+ people. Keep in mind that prize winnings will only be awarded to the user that submits the game.
  7. Contest participants can be involved only in one submissions.
  8. All files required to play the game MUST be included in the download. This include RTP or any other resources. If the game exe does not run because of missing files, it will be disqualified.
  9. No Adult Only Content: This includes explicit sexual themes and content, graphic nudity, or extreme portrayals of violence. If you're unsure, please follow ESRB guidelines:
  10. Plagiarism, using copyrighted assets, unlawful use of software and any other forms of cheating are grounds for disqualification. Let's make this a clean and fair competition for everyone!
  11. Games must be available in English, but you are welcome to include other translations (just make sure the default language is set to English).
  12. You must have at least one developer from Indonesia to enter this contest.
  13. Outsourcing and using assets that obtained legally is permitted.
  14. Your game submission must be able to run on Windows 7 and higher. You can include additional downloads for other platforms, but only the Windows version will be judged.   
  15. Contest Judges have the right to penalize or disqualify a submission for reasons including, but not limited to, the violation of the above rules. Judges decisions are final.


Prizes will be delivered electronically via the email associated with the user who submitted the game. Winners will be responsible for all taxes and fees associated with their prize package. If working on a team, please discuss how prize winnings will be split before winners are announced to avoid potential legal issues. The host team is not responsible for splitting prize.

No purchase necessary to participate in the contest. Must be at least 12 years of age to register and submit entries. Additional restrictions on age and nationality are subject to the contestant's local, state, and/or national laws.

Creators retain all rights to their respective works. The contest runners (Something2) sharing the right to promote the game on the appropriate websites, blogs, social media, etc. as outlined in the prize packages.

If agreed by developer, Something2 reserving publishing rights for up to 3 months for games that win. After the reserving period end, the creators can publish using any other platform and publishers Something2 don't reached out to.

Other Details

If you have anything else to ask or if there is anything that isn't clear please post your question at FAQ Pages or Contact us through Facebook, Twitter, and Discord.