We're not giving up. in fact we're currently cleaning what we currentlyhave now.
Recent community posts
There will be a new demo on the upcoming months. it has been a painful process way but we're currently finished balancing hoops and adding newer contents for the next demo. :)
I have no idea on how easy it will be since i just mainly do art and dificulty can be quite relative to each individual.
we'll see how it goes when it's done. :)
Hello Buff,
Not sure how steam updates work but I don't think it will Corrupt any savefiles in the upcomming build. That said, there may be a time when it'll happen as we're expanding the map ( for the goblin arc), doing skill rework and some overall changes on the QoL aspect ( i reckon you'll see some glimpse of it in the next build :) ). As for TF aspect, I don't think so.
Hope this helps. :)
The game is undergoing a major mechanic overhaul. it will change some functions by the time it's done.
You can read all about it here:
Pretty much. We've implemented the core elements for this build now and we're onto polishing state. Hopefully the alpha builds will be sent out soon for further testing. eitherway, you can check the monthly report here:
Heya, We're currently building the next demo with all the 4 characters in place and finishing one of the core elements in the game.
Here is the roadmap on what will be developed in that month. After all these are done, we're going to move to testing and then release.
We're going to divulge the frequency of the next updates by then as I am currently making 23 new Lust sprites and newer animations for the game in this period.
You have to remove thefirst one and move the save file to the next patch. It is technically like that in the pc version as there's no "online patch", just downloading and installing it manualy.
From rummaging the forums, it seems you can find the android file in the directory: SD:/Android/data/com.{gamename}.program/files/saves