Apologies if this type of issue was not what was meant to be addressed by "Fixed some VRM loading issues" in the build #22 changelog, but loading of this particular model still does not work.
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I was trying to run this program using the BZ Protogen Kit (available at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JPh85gOn74EI8hujZB8KZcrOkNDQmolt) models converted from Blender to VRM using the Blender VRM addon with no extra modification.
However when I selected the model, the program crashes whenever it tries to load it in. The following is the error message produced:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 263, in init vtuber_webcam
File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 119, in vtuber_webcam.App.__init__
File "gltf.pyx", line 88, in plugins.avatar.glb_read
File "gltf.pyx", line 88, in plugins.avatar.glb_read
File "/home/USERNAME/Documents/vtuber-webcam-linux-64/python39.zip/gltf/converter.py", line 397, in update
File "/home/USERNAME/Documents/vtuber-webcam-linux-64/python39.zip/gltf/converter.py", line 229, in add_node
File "/home/USERNAME/Documents/vtuber-webcam-linux-64/python39.zip/gltf/converter.py", line 1155, in build_character
File "/home/USERNAME/Documents/vtuber-webcam-linux-64/python39.zip/gltf/converter.py", line 1292, in build_character_joints
KeyError: 'inverseBindMatrices'
Possibly there is a problem with the model, but I have no idea.