It ended up working out after a few tries. Although, just a heads-up, the game definitely froze multiple times and I did not have a reset button.
I still love your work, I'm just pointing this out to help you.
Is the circular color pad puzzle necessary? (Probably has the the fourth digit when solved) I have the coins, but once the first color lights up, I can't seem to do anything. It's like the game has frozen and i have had to reload multiple times. (Playing on Android) Reloading really sucks because I can't save during the escape room.
Please advise
I just powered through the story thus far and hoowee I'd have to say that was the most immersive visual novel I have ever played. Especially the sound. I couldn't at least tell there was stereo panning, but I couldn't quite tell if there was directional sound. Great character models and environments as well.