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Soul Seeker

A member registered 68 days ago · View creator page →

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It's a really fun tool to build with! 

The art, story, and sound design were all amazing!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

I wasn't aware thanks for letting me know!

I love the material texturing really sells the environments and characters!

I cannot much I love giant frog in space suit, ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS! Also, the environment as a whole just looks so cool!

I like that spaceship design it looks really cool and colorful!

I like the story! Also, I like how it  has some pretty spot on game elements to fit with the description.

Aw, I love the characters they seem very nice! Like how the main character made a shelter for their how content/exited the dog looks in their pictures!

I love the characters' posing, they feel really natural!

Super cute characters, also I like the main characters expression!

Very cool characters, I like visual storytelling with the earth exploding in the background showing why they have to escape!

I really like the limited color pallet! Do an awesome job of making  the  silhouettes clear and interesting!

They're going on an adventure! But, also, I really like the attention to detail with character design. It has a lot of different elements to show how they survive in their environment: heavy coat, boots, walking stick, winter hat!

It's really cool how you really utilized depth with the people in the foreground, the main characters in the midground, and the glowing ship in the background. Also the sign cross out detail was really nice.

ALSO, the chains have a very nice pattern!

AW MAN! Did such a good job with the shading / lighting it really does feel like another planet.

Nooo, that's so sad but I love the storytelling!

Aw got such cool character anatomy! I love the intertangled roots vs the sharp shapes of the city in the background.

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I haven't seen cartoon / pixel art style used together before! The look and feel of it very much reminds me of a game I would have loved to play as a kid.

I love your scene it looks so vibrant!

You know I thought with a person and their dog before I noticed the description. Which is to say, the disguise would have worked on me. ALSO, I love the single eye in the space suit it looks ominous as heck.

AW, I love your style! And the animation give so much life to the characters!