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A member registered Nov 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the kind words! If you enjoyed this small demo, you better buckle up for the real deal! 


Thank you! After many years of practice, we finally cracked the code! <3

Thanks mate!

thanks so much for the kind comment! You can find the full menu backdrops and other wallpapers over on our Patreon page and get access to them for as low as $1 a month (there are other bonuses too!)

Thanks a bunch! We appreciate the kind words! This is only the demo, so keep an eye peeled for news on the 1.0! :)

( Shameless community discord plug)

Thank you! The new update has even more of a stylistic upgrade :0 


800 world record


Thanks mate!

Thanks unicorn!

Mate we commend you for sticking with us that long! Cheers dude.

If you bring the humans to despair (when the slider is empty), you can posses them too - but the majority of the game can be beaten as the rat. I threw up an almost rat only playthrough on the page if you'd like to flick through. 

We def agree that there could be muuuch improvement in terms of the tutorial & the game to player communication. However I'm sure you can tell by the state of the current info sources (the beginning & the pause menu) how rushed we were! 

This is a VERY nice review.


Thank youu!

No Kappa Solution to understand the objective: Hack into the games files & read the spaghetti code. 

Cheers! The issues lie with communicating to the player HOW to achieve the grand objective, & such the whole concept ends up quite confusing. Def lots of improvements to be made if 48h was a lil longer heh! 

Ty! Yea there isn't a sufficient amount of communication  to the player, & not everyone has 30 minutes to decompile the game just to work out what the goal is so that's fair stuff lmao! 

Cheers bud!

Ty! We certainly agree there wasn't enough game to player communication - a product of the 48h deadline heh. In a few months we'll probs be throwing a poll up  on our socials for the Soulcube community to vote on which jam game we should remaster - this one would def be my personal fav! 

Thank youuuu! I think the 3am recording time brought out my inner devil

Game bad, art good. Now THIS is what we like to hear :kappa:jk thanks lmao

Cheers! We certainly agree there is LOADS that could be done to improve the game to player communication. There should def be some sort of cursor change or icon when you hover over interactables, as well as clearer communication when the humans are in unstable conditions. I tried getting some sound cues in last minute but they kept infinitely playing and I was like yeaaa naaaah no time for this lmao. In the rush, I forgot to attach the destructible object script to some items so like you said, the candles are kinda OP! I was working on this game till 5am & nobody in my timezone was awake to test for bugs apart from me so I have NO idea why the black screen error happens lmao sorry. Thanks for the feedback - and we certainly agree with you!

Thank you! I downed at least 3 glasses of water after recording those lines lmao 

A true person of chaos 

Cheers! They were fun to make!

I assume it also scared my neighbors while I was recording at 3am 

Cheers dude!


Rlly enjoyed the relatively short experience (40-60min) that the game offered! On behalf of soulcube, rlly awesome seeing ppl gettin inspired to make more and more indie games! Desh (Lead programmer) has written a lil review.


The games story is quite out there - an absurdist comedic take on the RPG genre with a lot of heart despite a lack of emotional story telling. The game was self aware of its absurdities, and rlly capitalized on the tone through the bizarre areas, character, writing & plot. The side dialogue and information text was genuinely entertaining to read most of the time, with me even literally audibly laughing at some of the dialogue lines. The story jumped around from very contrasting settings, however the use of revisiting the areas rlly help ground the world and prevent the exploration from becoming pandering. The little touches added to returning areas rlly went a long way to keeping me engaged and invested in the world. The game is also paced rlly well - breaking up sections at the perfect times. In addition to this, you never feel lost, but you also never quite feel like your being babied either - striking a near perfect balance. 


The gameplay generally consisted of a series of fetch quests, with combat events riddled in between. Exploring areas for the fetch quest items was not extremely challenging, however nor was it boring. Most of the motivation banked off of the self aware humor with the characters u encounter along the way.


Harbos Plight has a solid foundation for a combat system - however it never ended up going anywhere. I worked out how everything worked easily enough, and I was really a fan of this combination between real time & turn based combat. After I unlocked Malcom (another skill/ability), the first unlock in the game, I was really looking forward to see what other options I would be offered in combat. However there was in fact no other moves available, aside from an attack & a heal which are you limited to for the entire game. 

There are several moves that could have been implemented to add some variety such as a move that slows down the enemies charge bar, or speeds up your own (for the entire duration of a battle). Another move could have been a defend move - which if used X amount of seconds before the enemy attacks, would mitigate damage. Possibly having 4 or so core moves would have been a great amount of variety for a game of this length. The process of unlocking these moves would also be rewarding for players - keeping them engaged until the credits role.

While playing I thought of some improvements to the combat system that could have existed - however are easier said than done when it comes to implementing. For the basic attack move, instead of allowing a random spam on the enemy to deal damage based on how fast a player can click, there could have been some sort of moving targets. After each successful attack in the duration that you are able to attack, a new target could appear on a different part of the enemies body, adding an extra layer of skill/thought to the attack move. The heal move may could have also used a mini game in a similar vein. The last thing I thought of while in the combat was that the attack charge bar could have used some mini game to charge it faster or something similar. A suggested improvement would be that there is a marked point in the last 75% of the bar, and if you time hitting a certain button or key to match it - the bar skips the rest of the cool down. All of these are just little things that in my opinion could have added some more engagement to the combat.

The game was quite easy overall in terms of combat difficulty, as the only time I was ever in any real threat was during the first 10 minutes before I worked out you could upgrade your characters. The rate at which you could level up was quite insane, and combat became a non threat almost instantly.

Despite my critique suggesting improvements to the combat system - it is not a system that brings the game down. It serves its purpose in offering some filler to break up the exploration of the world, and the characters that you fight during the game are honestly quite comical. The loose art style only adds to this comedic enjoyment of the bizarre foes. The first time some of the enemies popped up in full art I genuinely laughed. 


Rlly loved the music. Great diversity with all of the different themes for each enemy & setting - it was really refreshing each time a new song came on. The music honestly greatly carried the games exploration. It provided lots of interest when encountering new things as well as revisiting old areas to hear repeated themes, further establishing a cohesive world. Sound effect cues were great when acquiring and upgrading - very fitting. More sound effects could have been used in combat however, with sounds for the attack bars filling up going a long way in informing the player when they can move/be moved against.


Pls give WSAD movement thx. Otherwise worked great. Easy to figure out.


Apart from some occasional sprite glitching, there was not a lot of bugs to be found at all! I encountered nothing game breaking, however the most annoying thing was the hitboxes not being aligned to the object as if it was an illusion of 3d space - they just kinda rested around the outline of the asset. There was also a couple of dialogue mishaps at the end of the game when you drop Malcom off home. Characters will still refer to you as if Malcom is with you - however he is not. These are all just minor things, and do not bring the game quality down at all. Overall a really smooth experience.

Wrap up:

Rlly solid game with some lovely charm. Twitter might rip it apart for some mildly offensive themes to certain demographics - however it is all in a comedic tone, and doesn't cause any major issues. Would recommend ppl setting aside an hour of their day just to check it out!

Thanks so much for playing our game! Our YouTube video explains how to play the game , feel free to check it out here —> 

Thanks so much! We appreciate the feedback! :)