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Soultaker Spirit

A member registered Mar 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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I was going to comment on this to but two people beat me to it lol. I'm also trying to figure out why people who are following isn't getting notified. If they're posting Dev logs, itch should notify the followers.

Web version crashes after you choose no when it asks if you want to change Kate's name. says missing some sort of file.

When I click the first one that doesn't say compressed. it takes me here

Chapter 3 Ep2 PC Non-compressed.

Chapter 3 download takes you to a warning page where you're stuck.

I'm guessing this game has been abandoned. Usually there's a new version almost every 2 or so month. But now nothing.

This happens after the park date with Sil. I can't move on or atleast switch places.

Will this game ever get another free version? It's been stuck at for awhile and I've enjoyed the game so far.

Yeah, I turned on "High Contrast Text" in the accessibility menu when you hit the shift+a. The white text on light color was hurting my eyes or should I say eye. I'm enjoying the game though.

I'm still using the patch you have up. I haven't seen any new patches or so call mods. Unless only people supporting can now get them?

this is the error I get all the time:

KeyError: u'gna'


I don't know if they're still reading comments on the Grandma's House game. But, I left a comment about errors all the way from the plane and up. I want to play more, but if the errors continue I might have to stop. When I click ignore, it's like I missed something.

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if you spot this already. But, there's a model mess up. When Kasumi is sitting up, there's legs showing like someone is laying on their stomach. Unless my bad eye sight is seeing things wrong.

You have to go to their actual updates. They're up to v59 (part 5). Also, after this section in the image, I get an error. And if I continue to play after choosing ignore, it will give me more errors later.

Odd. I guess I have to play the whole game over. I didn't see those other two unless I have to make a choice somewhere I didn't know about. lol

I came across the dom image, but the other two? Are they in part 2?

It's been awhile. Is there a new version coming out? uusally a new version is out pretty quick.

So how many versions of this game is there? And I don't mean number of versions. Even TOPHOUSE has this game posted. It looks like none are responding to questions though. Maybe I'll get an answer on this posted version. I found a bug in this version of the game where when I choose to watch Lolita with Mary, it tells me I need to buy it even though I have it in my inventory.

So who's version of the game are we really suppose to comment on to get answers. Unless the two are working together, I can understand or if got permission to post the other Dev's version. This will confuse people cause if this isn't original Dev's game then the one hosting it won't be able to answer any bug questions.

I think I found a bug. When I choose to watch a film with Mary and choose Lolita, it's saying I have to buy it even though it's in my inventory.

Either I'm doing something wrong, but I didn't see any changes.

So the line when Ren returns home when Yui says "I just got off the streets" wasn't an english error but a hint that she's a prostitute?

Something is buggy with itch's notifications. I've been waiting for a long time for this version and didn't know it was out even though I'm following.

A Moms Life community · Created a new topic First bug

When you choose to go to the sexy time shop in mall and choose buy blakc (underwear) I'm not going to spell out the other word to hard lol, after it says you don't have enough money you're stuck there without a back button or it going back to mall entrance.

Don't forget to code in a save/load as well if you're game gets big. I couldn't save it earlier when I wanted to watch something while eating lunch. I had to minimize it only then get back to the game after lunch.

So do we have to start a new game and it looks like the UI changed. when I click on the buttons at bottom though for example sara's bedroom, nothing happens just black.

Was 4.4 just a fix? Cause if it was an actual update. How come just 4 is free instead of moving 4.4 to the free slot since 4.5 is pay?

There's a character name mess up in the start of chapter 11. It goes from Amunet to Chandra.

You also need to add information about the game to let players know. As of right now the description is mostly about you. Just letting you know before you get rude comments.

The new scene where it looks like the main character is having sex in front of the camera. Is that during the photoshoot or something? Or is that for Chapter 20 if it comes out?  :P

I was curious cause most devs usually post screenshots of what's suppose to be in that game at the time then maybe post new images when an update is made.

I don't know if I'm making right choices or not. But, from what I'm seeing, the scenes you have over on the side never showed except the scene where Chloe leans down in the camera.

I'm enjoying the game so far and would like to support you. But, I had to stop supporting two other Devs cause Patreon was still taking my payments but locked my tiers. They want me to verify now. If you end up setting up a subscribestar in the future, I might actually support cause the story has me hooked.

I know the static scenes can be clicked through. But for the monitor I have brightness up and I'm using a 24inch monitor. I can barely see on cell phone screens. 

Is it possible to fix it where the players can go through the sex scenes themselves instead of flashing by fast? Also, the dark scenes are hard to see especially for someone who is partially blind. I don't know what Matt did to Sophie in his apartment.

I'm getting an error when I go to the last pioneer Zhi after she messages. I won't be able to do that job.

When I open this version, there are no images except the Patreon and Subscribestar logos. When I load my save the only images I see is the same as the main title and the journal image. Did something break?