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A member registered Nov 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice prototype! The visuals were pretty unique and the game played well on browser. I was anticipating a jump scare and was really glad there wasn't any! 

This hits hard (emotionally). Very pretty and eye-catching graphics! Music fit the vibes too. I really liked how the story was told and how it unfolded. There are some grammar and spelling mistakes, but the story is still understandable and the emotions come across. :)

I tried to play this game but it kept crashing at the first branching path. I tried to troubleshoot it using the Windows troubleshooter for compatibility and ran the game on Windows 8, but it would crash at either the second or third checkpoints. The game looked pretty and the story seemed interesting from what I could see, so I am a little sad I could not play this game in its entirety. :(

Computer specifications:

11th Gen Intel Core i7, 16.0 GB RAM, Intel Iris Xe Graphics (integrated graphics), Windows 10

Thanks for the game! The "Got Through Rehab" image and description appears in both the $2 and $3 section. I think the one in the $2 section was supposed to be the "Tried Drugs" one instead.

I loved it! It was so cozy and I liked how the guest commented on the fish I used.  Seconding the suggestion for a radio! Having a few music options would be nice. I liked how there wasn't any real rush to get any of the food out, even though the story mentioned that the next station was approaching. Having guests send gifts back from their adventures was a nice surprise as well. It took a few tries to get the skewers cooked right, so it was nice that the game only really started after you get the hang of it. Looking forward to the full game!

Warmed my cold, dead heart.

(1 edit)

Lovely game! It was a little frustrating to get to the end of the map and then realise that there were objectives though.

10/10 work of art

It was great getting drunk in-game! It was also good that there was a way to become "sober" again. I really liked the use of the web cam.

Does it actually have an end? I got to 6 crystals and the robotic voice said that was halfway there. Then I got to 11, and the voice said there were 11 more. Is it just endless?

It was an interesting experience. I did not really enjoy the robotic voice and didn't know why it was there. Also some background music would make the experience more immersive! :D