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A member registered Apr 26, 2021

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(1 edit)

I think I got it this time!

The only thing I did different was that the whole time my browser was in incognito mode so I turned that off this time around(not sure if that was actually the issue, but it works now). I noticed right away that the cookie file had more lines of text, when before it was just a single line for the past day.

And I can confirm that VR is downloading fine

Thanks for your help! 

-edit - Was also wondering if your program has the ability to decrypt r18 files that I already have downloaded?  Just wondering because they only give me the UHD file if accessed through a phone, and I already have the file but it's useless at the moment. If that's not possible it's fine, you've helped me out a lot already :D

Thank you for responding!!


I was confused seeing that (login_required) because I was logged in when getting the cookies, either way here's what I do.

First. I log into my r18 account. Then I use the get cookies extension to grab the cookie after I've logged in.  My folder that I have for jav-it is where I put the txt file that is created.  I'm only trying to download videos I've purchased.  I grab the code after opening the video

I enter in this command, but already used cd to point it to the correct location of my jav-it folder

jav-it download -c r18.com_cookies.txt -o F:\Temp\ -i bbvr00009  (I also tried this way after reading your response) 

jav-it download -c f:\Temp\jav-it\r18.com_cookies.txt -o F:\Temp\jav-it -i bbvr00009

I was initially trying to download a VR video and I didn't know if multiple parts had to do anything with it since the code given is the same for each part.  I wasn't sure if the program would work around that.  But I then tried one with a single video part I got the same result.

Hmm reading your response again... Am I putting the cookie file in the wrong spot? I was just putting it with the jav-it folder, but I now tried putting it in the example spot you mentioned so it would be

jav-it download -c C:\Users\PC\Downloads\r18.com_cookies.txt -o F:\Temp\jav-it -i bbvr00009

Still having trouble, not sure what I've done wrong.  Hopefully my steps show my mistake to you haha. Thanks

Hello, I keep getting this when trying to download

2021/04/26 12:51:12 [INFO] Now scanning for streams with video ID 'mide00070'...

2021/04/26 12:51:12 [FAIL] Could not request media stream information: 200 - {"status":"login_required"}

2021/04/26 12:51:12 [FAIL] Could not obtain video streams for video 'mide00070': the cookie file provided does not have a valid login token


I'm logged in and I'm I think I grabbed the cookie file properly, but I'm not fully sure.

Any help would be great, thank you