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A member registered Mar 29, 2023

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Hi Mofu, i wanna ask if you are going to update the new RoadMap after the next Update

mofu said that the game will be long 10 hours, but i think that it will be more long because he also said that he planned doing 12 macro area and this is the first one, you can see the old comments for more info

mofu told that he will add more armor and weapons, so i think that the answer to your question is yes

I really don't understand why people don't let the dev to create the game like he wants. I mean if you want specific thing or scene you can create your own game.

nice pic, but first i don't think that mofu can add her for the copyright, second there is already a rabbit chara so is useless to add her

Thanks a lot for the answer, but if the content present now in the game is the 5% i think that i can play this game for much more than 10 hours a this is an amazing thing. 

Just another question, but the final version will be uncensored?

Hi Mofu, this game is fantastic, really good job.

If you already planned it, how much long the finished game will be?