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Space Kraken Studios

A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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I just slightly updated the name (took the periods out of it). The next gameplay update will hopefully be in a week or two, but will most likely just have some new upgrades for bullets. I'll add a changelog whenever I add significant updates, so be watching for those

Yeahhhh, I need to work on the pricing so that's less likely to happen, and I think I'm going to implement a way to take out a loan or something like that so that you aren't soft-locked if you do run out. It'll take a little bit to get that in the game though

Yep! I'm planning on all of that, it'll just take some time to get all of that working. Thanks for the feedback :)

Ooooo syncing up with the music would be super satisfying! I'll see if I can make that happen, but no promises.

And I do want to have the multiple buttons aspect around for longer, so I'll think about upgrades like you're saying. Good suggestions!

Hmmm, it should have reactivated the button once you had enough, I'll look into that. Also I plan on implementing a way to take out a loan or similar so that you can't get soft locked, but it'll be a bit before I implement that. Thanks for the feedback!

For now it is just bullets. I'm planning on adding grenades, guns, tanks, planes, nukes, and hopefully a few more. That'll take some time though

Hi! Great job on the game! I really like the concept and the visual style. Would you mind sharing how you made the overlaying grain effect? It looks very good, and isn't as overdone as some examples I've seen.

You sound cool and muscular. Wow. Goals.