I just downloaded and ran the windows standalone version through the itch client, and had no problems.
If you can please join the SpaceMouse discord and I'll do my best to help, or get you a steam key so you can use that version.
Hello! Just got this today and I really love it. But I've found an oddity with exporting as a gif. Some of the colors in the limited pal I have set change _ever_ so slightly. In the pal file I have:
0 0 0
75 75 75
154 154 154
255 255 255
But when I export the image, the 75s become 74s, and the 154s become 153s. Is there something wrong with the pal file? I was going off the gameboy one as an example.
Also, as a sidenote, export as gif always exports in the directory of the executable with a default name?