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A member registered Jan 20, 2019

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(1 edit)

Hey! Does anyone here know how to recruit the Outlander? 

I know that he is supposed to be at level 5 in the thicket (tree lady), after you meet him in the courtyard with the statue of All-mer. But I already where there (the thicket/tree lady) many times and didn't find him! 

I already watched videos in order to find the exact spot, but he isnt there! 

I don't know if its a bug or if I messed up the timeline/chain of events but any sort of help would be very nice!

Note: I am playing the newest version, version 1.2.0.


It would be very nice if instead of having 30 min to find Leguard alive, the player would have 1-2 hours so he can explore the game and get used to it. 

I know I may sound  nooby but the thing is that I dont like to rush or speedrun games. Especially if they have a fitting atmosphere and a captivating story. 

Dont get my wrong, I already finished ending A and I found out that you must recrut Leguard in order to get the other ending. And I kinda flinched when I found out that you have exactly 30 min to save him from his cell. Because this game was a experience (I dont when was the last time that a game was a experience for me) and I would like to live that experience again but the forced speedrun ruins it.

I know that there are faster ways to get to Leguards cell but even then it doesnt feel the same.

Dont take this as the whining of some lacy ass who cant put effort even into playing a videogame. 

Just take it a constructive criticism.

And if you dont want to change it than its ok. 

Just dont forget that there are a few things that might have to change.

Because I, like everyone else in this chat, love this game  :D 


Yeah, same

When its the past the bug appears. 

When its the present it doesnt.

You can avoid the bug but a fix would be nice.

(1 edit)


Sorry for bothering you again but here is this really nasty bug which happens in the ancient city (City after the Catacombs).

When I walk to the big door that is behind the statue and then go all  the way to the right, into that one room and back outside again, I get a black screen. 

I still hear the foot steps, the music is still playing and the letters in the left upper corner even tell you in which area you are but there is a black screen.

No matter in which direction I leave that room I always get a black screen.


Its cool that you fixed the problem!

But is there a way that I can put my save files into the updated version? So I dont have to start all over again. 

I read one comment that said it was possible but could you or anyone tell me the specific steps so I dont mess anything up?

(2 edits)

Yes, but I evated it.

Coin toss saved me.

I am not really sure,

I was with outlander and the little girl walking around the area where the dark priest is (library) and then suddenly it was there.

I already tried with bow and arrow but he keeps facing and shoot into the other direction, even if an enemy is standing right in front him 

Hey wassup,

I jus run into this bug that makes the main character walk but facing front.

In other words he can walk forward, backward and side ways but he is always facing front which gets very annoying when you try to loot something or talk to someone.

I already tried to fix it by restarting the game but its still there... 

Any help or ideas??