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A member registered 77 days ago

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(1 edit)

Sweet! TY for the Info!

So does this mean that there is currently no way back to Resta or the Mine if you accept this quest? I accepted the quest in Suwa and have made it to the abandoned city and from there got the incomplete cemetary quest, I dont recall finding any bulbs along the way and have scouered the area since looking for more with no luck and now I cant get back to Resta. If I take the carrier he just drops me off in the middle of the forest where you encounter the 1st vine in the spider area or if I choose entrance forest south I end up in the entrance area with no walkable way out. 

is this still the only place to get Purple Herbs or are there other locations now?

Not sure if this one has been reported yet but when you go to visit the Brothel Owner in Resta and have sex most of her body is missing.

(2 edits)

Unfortunately I dont have a screen capture for this but when I fought the Witchshroom in the diversion forest when she applied her status effect to my team imediately after the game forced itself into windowed mode. The game continued to function normaly and relaunching it after the fight restored it to full screen.

Thanks for the help its working now, I now have a wonderfuly pregnant team!

I dont know what I am doing wrong but I just cant seem to get any of my characters pregnant, they all say Womb: No and Pregnancy Chance 0%? I have 1 Male, 1 Herm., and 3 Female.