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Sparrow in the field

A member registered Nov 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you very much for your opinion and crazy gameplay! I'm glad you like the game despite all those bugs :D Greets! 

Wow, it's so cool to finaly hear the opinion of person who knows the novel! :)  I'm glad that all key points are clear - I've made my best to place the most important moments, places and characters in such a short game :D Thank you a lot and I'm happy you have enjoyed the game! <3 

Thank you so much! <3

Thank you  very much, it was nice to watch your gamelay! <3

Thank you GameGabe! I appreciate it :) 

Oh, thank you so much! The best prize for my work I could dream of is this kind of reaction <3  


Thank you so much! It was nice to watch your gameplay :) I know that the story may be confusing, beacause the game is very short and it wasn't easy to represent a phylosophical book which The Steppenwolf is :D (I had only 8 months to make it, cause it was my master diploma).

Anyway I really appreaciate your opinion - it's very kind! Thanks! :)))

You are so kind :)) I'm very happy that people play my game and enjoy it :)

Thank you!! :D

Thank you! :) 

Thanks! :)