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A member registered Jan 18, 2021

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Please increase the withdrawal amount for the BCC.  Now that I'm a billionaire ($32B), $500K per withdrawal is getting me nowhere.  Took me about 5 min to get to $200M... didn't even make a dent. I calculated that for me to withdraw the entire amount in $500K increments, it will require over 65K clicks.

I of course know there's nothing I can do with the full amount (unless buying property and high end merchandise is a possibility for future versions), but it'd be fun to have it all in my wallet, sts.

Btw, this is a truly great game.  The hot parts are actually hot as hell, as hoped; and all the developing relationships are great and diverse in their texture, not to mention the multiple facets of the male character's personality and different treatments for different women. Tension is actually created in wondering how he's going to juggle all of it.  And the artwork and character development... brilliant. I don't think I'm supposed to lust so hard over fictitious women!