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A member registered Mar 05, 2024

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Im glad you like it because right now dashing into the shark just gets you eaten lol.

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Mostly in buffet mode, they very quickly end your run as they become impossible to avoid and with the size I am it looks like they shouldn't be able to eat me anyway. But even in cruise mode it looks jank when they do eat me. Also I think the eel power up should let you eat sharks from behind

Revert sharks, too op

if you do make a sequel I'll be there to buy it day one 馃槈

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A recolor? Nice... will any of them come with... bigger assets?~

Looking forward to the future updates, all I can say is adding a weight gain visual would make this game perfect for me... but it's still fun regardless.

Would love to be able to eat some fishermen or women as well 馃槇

Wow peaceful mode is really peaceful now... No fish anywhere! Its more like "Pacifish" mode lmao...

Also cool new sound effects and all, but any chance you might add a classic sfx option as well?

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Im not saying you should add weight gain to the game but I am saying that please lmao

Anyway, Great update, I really don't have any complaints this time honestly. All I can do now is offer ideas of stuff I want (like Weight gain). Keep up the good work 

i love this game but dang theres always something going wrong every update lmao hope everything goes smoothly next update 

nice update but... are the sharks supposed to collide with the sponges? They get stuck and sometimes bounce straight into me, eating me instantly 

please leave in moving left and right, I love it.

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So a minor criticism/balance change idea I have is that after you eat 2 or more "gold" fish the increased capacity generally makes it harder, almost impossible, to avoid sharks. Since you need a hearty egg to increase your max size I tend to be stuck at max size and can't dodge anymore. This makes it feel like the gold fish is a downgrade instead. I understand if its supposed to be a trade off, but I just think you don't digest fast enough to justify getting them. My recommendation is that the digestion should be sped up a bit more when you do get a gold fish or make it so some fish aren't as filling. Of course, it's just my opinion and I still love this game. 

Awesome! I cant wait

Any chance youll add a pause function at some point