Never played a text based game before and this was a really cool first experience!
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how did you guys go about finding people to test your game and actually get feedback from them?
Link and screen shots:
Crystal Monsters and the Purple Power is an action packed futuristic fantasy with a robot main character. Use your arm cannons and sheild to fight your way through cave systems that have different creators that dwell within. Walking, running and a super dash won't be the only way you get around with all the mini games each level brings you will be driving mine carts blasting rock goblins, maneuver left, right, up and down in a hot air ballons trying to not hit the walls. Last but not least once you get high enough you will have to grind down a rock slide dodging ridged rocks in hopes you make it to the end!
link and screenshots:
Crystal Monsters and the Purple Power is an action packed futuristic fantasy with a robot main character. Use your arm cannons and sheild to fight your way through cave systems that have different creators that dwell within. Walking, running and a super dash won't be the only way you get around with all the mini games each level brings you will be driving mine carts blasting rock goblins, maneuver left, right, up and down in a hot air ballons trying to not hit the walls. Last but not least once you get high enough you will have to grind down a rock slide dodging ridged rocks in hopes you make it to the end!
link and screenshots:

Crystal Monsters and the Purple Power is a side scroller that's an action packed fantasy game that is honestly a little slept on. It's also free!
Here's some screenshots
Here's the link
So I've dropped my first project and to be honest I have no clue what I am doing. I've spent the last 3 years working on this side scroller And in my opinion It has the potential to be a triple A title. It's not the game I'm worried about It's my project page. I was wondering if anyone could help me by telling me what I am doing wrong and what i'm doing right.
Link to game:
Here is my cover art:
Here's my studio banner:
My studio logo:
In game screenshots:
I really appreciate anyone who takes time out of their day to reply so thanks in advance!