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A member registered Aug 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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DUDE! It's been 4 YEARS! That's absolutely crazy. 

To be honest, I kinda forgot about the game for a while. i randomly got it on by YTshorts feed and was like "I KNOW THAT GAME!" so I have spent the last few hours exploring all of the new content that I missed.

God, this game is still perfect. I really can't sing the praises high enough, and each change is awesome, adding a ton. Even though I was familiar with what it was, I was still endlessly surprised (and Swirly D is my favorite :) )

I went back because I remembered making a post, and found that I was the first. Checking back, I played a hotfix version i think, first was on the 19th, I played 20th and posted this on the 21st. I see you're still active, and I commend you for that. You're a real dev, and everything I aspire to be in the few endeavors I still embark upon in the world of game development. 

Dude seriously it has been crazy. I graduated from an entire school, and will be again in another year. I have endless fond memories of Juice Galaxy and the soundtrack evokes...something in me. Its a mix of nostalgia and a dreamlike sense. This game single-handedly aided me in creating the story I so desperately try to tell, just haven't been able to yet, and it aided in my fascination with dreams and the surreal.  To say that this game has affected who I am today, in some...weird way, is not inaccurate! I remember scouring your other games, and your Youtube channel looking for any sort of content more like this in between updates. It does make me sad that I ever forgot about this masterpiece, and I am extremely happy it has gotten to the audience it has today. I was one of the first, and I always will be, by your side and checking in between life, coming back to this game without end. There's just something about it I cannot describe, it's like the feeling of playing 1.8 minecraft. You just know it when you see it, or hear it, or touch it.

there truly is no other game like it.

(PS. I'm going to try and find the old macbook air that I used to binge play it on, and see if I can't dig up a retro version of the game. Like pre-old man retro. The updates are great, but I'm also a sucker on playing old versions and comparing what changed and whatnot, so ill see what I can dig up.)

(PPS. If you would give me such an honor, I would like to make something to put into the game. Even if it's small. I have no idea what it would be but I've always wanted to do something like that. Obviously no worries if not lol,  just think it might be cool :) )

Endless supporter of the Juice from beginning to an endless end,

-Riley "Specitfyy" Coden

i absolutely love this game

smertan is the best i love it

24 here!

for those wondering how I know all this is (probably, no confirmed) the case, I'm a game developer and basically made a game like this with the same intentions in mind a year and a half ago, knowing what I did and the corners I cut, I was able to see clearly what it was. I'm ashamed of making what I did, all for the money. It definitely was not good and I regret it, but it ended up helping me later on. I will still support this developer, sometimes everyone makes mistakes! That's why stuff like cancel culture is bad, and obviously if you enjoyed the game there is nothing wrong with that! Have fun with it, that's what games are supposed to do!

to the developer, keep making games! 

have a nice day!

(2 edits)

overall, while the concept, music and graphics are decent, and the polish is also is there. the game feels like a cash grab more than anything. Its fun for a while but quickly feels like a copy and paste level, just with different music. The AI has a lot left to be desired, and some of the animations could be better. That being said, the fps components are really well made, they work well with this style of game, and its clear that a ton of effort was put into that side of everything. Everything is responsive and plays nicely.

All that being said, a few updates to this, possibly a few new mechanics or maybe different game modes, and maybe a few more enemies, and there would be a super solid game here! I feel like right now there is wasted potential, but that can be turned around very quickly

 Things like the poor AI, ads not pausing the game at the beginning, missing polish, and bought models (yeah, I found them being sold for 30$, exactly the same) makes it all feel like a cash grab. That and the website being advertised is full of blatant copies and stolen games. I would love to give the developer the benefit of the doubt, 3d modeling is hard, so buying already made models are perfectly fine. The animations mostly from mixamo (a free website for pre-made animations and rigging), which is also fine. But everything put together, it seems more and more likely that the person who made this only had profit in mind, and it shows greatly. I would love to see this developer make a full game, as they obviously know what they are doing greatly, but I feel like this game leaves a bad taste in my mouth after all of that. 

even the "ending" and cut-scenes show that not much effort went into this, all being lazy UI popups. After this, I'm not gonna say stop supporting the developer, because everyone makes mistakes, gets a bit greedy, or anything like that! To the developer, good luck on future projects!


Cyan ate up 70% of my power because they would not move. 

11/10 would sus again

not even kidding, this game is addicting and fantastic. 

Not exactly in the base game, but the shape of the head and facial feature looks quite similer

not gonna lie, the FBI agent shown on the icon, also the gun, both look exactly from People Playground

This was made in 13 minutes, not a single line of code, assets made in that time as well,  now imma go work on one of my actual games lol