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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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Different ones for each character, and variations on them depending on choices made.


I think it's from choosing the same options that would get you into the Cedric route but not calling him. If you try to stay then Cedric makes you come out with him and then the ending proceeds as normal for the Leave option.

(3 edits)

Really enjoyed this whole story and some of the surprising variations on how the endings can go based on choices earlier. Big fan of having friendship routes available in addition to the romantic ones too.

Spoilers below:

I particularly like that you can't choose to stay in Peregrine if you've fixed your friendship with Cedric but otherwise chosen the Remus path, because Cedric drags you out. Pretty much a reversal of the same situation in his own ending where it's based on how well you've handled your friendship / relationship as well.

Definitely agree about it being therapeutic. Echo handles the topic well enough from a lot of angles across the different routes to really help with processing abuse, or at least it did for me.

There is a sequel called Arches but it's not about Chase.

Yeah that's the correct sprite. I'm pretty sure it was initially developed for Route 65 actually but was then also used as her sprite in the main game since her old sprite didn't match with the current art style.