nevermind i fixed it, i just renamed my script to (map name)_loop.script
A member registered 25 days ago
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Easy FPS Editor CE v1.10.5 community · Replied to KeshaFilm in anyone knows why my script doesnot work and makes my game entirely black (except for the menus)?
That didn't work either, i gived up on that and tried this:
player check armour armourValue
if $armourValue == 10 {
entity delete 15 9 0
map return
I wanted the script to check the value of the armour, if its 10 then the decoration in the coords gets deleted... But that didnt work either.
Do you know what am doing wrong in my script?
Easy FPS Editor CE v1.10.5 community · Created a new topic anyone knows why my script doesnot work and makes my game entirely black (except for the menus)?