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A member registered Nov 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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babe wake up new angela he and robobarbie game just dropped

aw, i remember playing the demo back in 2020! it looked so different back then. this new change is nice, though. can't wait for the full release! 🐔

damn. now this is the real #ManilaEncounters. loved the game! always happy to support fil devs. :)

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if you told my 15 year old self two years ago about a sequel to the butterfly soup game, she would've gone ballistic. thank you for giving us 2 butterfly 2 soup

this visual novel is honestly so refreshing! the story seems like the type to be published as an actual book, so i was immediately interested with the premise of the game. kier reminded me so much of a typical novel LI that's cheeky and brooding yet charming in his own way so he was obviously the first route i played and i honestly loved every bit of it. be still, my beating heart.

oh, and please, please, please, go deeper into the lore and world-building of the story! i love how different this romance visual novel is compared to others. can't wait to see more of kier (and the fancy stranger (¬‿¬) lol) kudos to you guys!

i really like this game, and i can't wait for more!

the whole "whodunit" premise of the story is amazing. i have a penchant for games that are thought-provoking and lets the players solve the mystery in the end + bonus points if they come with a shocking plot twist, so this story was an automatic yes for me. 

the characters i love the most are theo and crowven. especially the way they interact with one another. they give off HUGE kiss-the-homies goodnight energy and i love that for them.

lastly, i think the best thing that this game offers is how you can present yourself the way you want to, because that's what really got me into the game. i see so little representation for androgynous folks in visual novels (pronouns aside) since most just let us pick between masculine and feminine body types. the dev(s) really nailed this one, so props to you guys :) and the way each character has a subtle way of telling us their sexuality based on their design is nice, too. 

i just hope that if this gets ever fully finished, we get to see the MC themselves in the game.

i'm looking forward for more eps. thank you for making this game! kudos <3

i just finished the demo and i feel like this is a promising one! 

the atmosphere was just so perfect

everything about the vn was just so well done, but i feel like it was the art style and the bgs (i always appreciate it when devs put effort in the bgs!) that really tied it all together.

for the characters, it was faine that i got attracted to first. his character resembled a donghua i liked so i thought that was kinda nice :D i also like the rekindling-an-old-flame trope that the game hints, and that made him more of an intriguing character than the other... which is hen. 

listen. i tried, really tried to like him, but his character just feels so... shallow (?) that i couldn't bring myself to be at least interested, or expect for his character development in the future. he just feels like another one of those guys in romance novels and otome games; the arrogant/flamboyant type that's guarantee to swoon anyone. but the thing that makes him different is that his attitude is just unappealing??? i mean, at least those men i mentioned have some sort of depth to their personality. 

i guess he just felt off to me. with the way the demo presented his character, he just felt like a pretty face and was the obvious typical route anyone would go for. sorry not sorry. his fit is fire though, if that's any consolation.

despite all that, i'm still looking forward for the full version. everything else made it up for that one part i disliked, so it's all good :)

thank you for sharing this to us! goodluck with the game <3

i remember playing this game a long time ago but i just got to playing it again recently. i love everything about this, honestly. tsuda is 100% the best character in game though i have to admit i'm kindaaaaa biased towards him >︿< because he's just so cute??!?. all in all i just wanna say that i need more games like this. i feel like we lack in the "visual novels set in japanese high schools" department. if anyone has a recommendation, please tell me bc i obviously need more content like this, thank you

just played the demo and it's super good! the art is beautiful and the story is so well done. i can tell that the dev(s) really put their heart into making this game. i'm so excited to do ramon's route. for some reason, he reminds me of a mild and less-threatening version of alastor with a hint of angel dust from hazbin hotel, which is probably why i like him so much.  anyway, i'm looking forward for the full release! goodluck with the game :)

literally started playing this as soon as i downloaded it. long story short, i was up all night playing because of a certain alien guy (enoch is so precious i just want to smooch him). the art is beautiful and the story is so well-written too. the choices in the game made me feel like i'm actually branching out to different storylines. thank you so much to the dev for blessing us such an awesome game! looking forward to the full release :)

every single frame of this game is so pretty. holy shit. it's astounding. all the colors, the lighting, and the art is so well done. not only that but the story feels so touching too. thank you so much for making this lovely game! :)

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stop ohmygod this was such an emotional rollercoaster. i demand compensation.

but seriously. this hit me right in the feels. and it was sorta accurate too.

goodbye bo annoyed me so much but at the same time i'm ??? attracted to him???? what have you done to me

you are so right i need more teisatsu content

chitose is best boy fr!!! i love it everytime he shows up on screen lmao and i love how isayama is so clueless with everything 😭 10/10. would play again.

hot dudes, great story

10/10. five stars. would recommend.

i love this game so much! i've been looking for a game like this for a long time, and i finally found it! i love detective games and games that gives you a dark feeling. the art, the plot, the music, and the characters all combined are incredible! i also love the BGs and sprites. they're all so well-done! what i especially loved about this game was the world and atmosphere you guys created :) it made me feel that i'm really with hugo and noah.

i really hope you guys create another game in the future! i look forward to it. kudos and thank you to the devs for giving us such an amazing game! <3

hi! just wanna ask what year is this game set in? i wanna know before playing :)

why... am i... simping... for a toe...

anyway, great game!! love the art and all of them are just wonderful!! <3 i absolutely loved it ^^


also; my filipino teacher will be very happy to see this. love the game!! :D 

will keldran ever get a route? it's okay if not!! i just hope so lol bc i wanna date him :3

hi! so whenever i try and play the game the background doesn't show up. it's just a black bg. i tried exiting the game and playing again but it still does that. do you know what's causing this problem? i play on windows, btw. thanks in advance.

OH MY GOD FINALLY A FILIPINO VN AND IT'S SET IN THE PHILIPPINES 😩🙏 my filo heart cant take this aaaaaaaa i love the game sm im literally gonna cry


Awesome! Thank you.

Is there a walkthrough for this? Because I can't seem to get Ian with Lena (and vice versa). I might need some help on what to do. Aside from that, I love the game. Can't wait to play and support the full version.

I like this! I feel like there are not a lot of adult dating sim games that has a female MC - especially set in college. I've been waiting for a game like this. Looking forward to play the full game! :)

very nice description o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o 10/10. my gay heart is v happy