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A member registered Mar 28, 2021

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Awesome! Thank you so much for the swift reply. 

Are there script calls we can use to check if a card is the library equipped or not?  I'd also like to know if we can check how many of a card we have in the library. 

I've looked through this thread and all the plugins I have from the suite and came up empty. 

I'll send an e-mail to the Gmail account providing the Screen shots.

Subject line will contain my Itch username.

Loving these plugins. I bought Core last week and this tonight, but I'm having an issue with the Card Library not opening with this extension.

When I try and open the library, through the menu the game hangs.  If I try through a plugin command the event activates but the library doesn't open. The game doesn't freeze though. 

I've tried it out on a new project and if you set it to "Replace Skill Menu" The deck editor screen opens as normal but ofc the full library setting is not available. The problem happens when you add it to the Menu with Deck Editor turned on. 

If I try and run the plugin command  with "No card library in menu", it does not open the library either. I'm running Core Script 1.80  and not seeing anything in the console.

You're awesome, thank you so much. Tried it on a clean project and works perfect.

Thank you for the quick reply

I tried that first and on a clean new project. Core script v1.7 and v1.32 I get no icons in the window. Also, I don't know if it just wasn't changed, but that downloads file says it is v0.30. 

Only version I can get Icons to show in the window is the v0.30 from the demo, running on Core script 1.32. 

I can still build, and everything else works(that I've tested), Just the icon doesn't show.

Trying to update to v0.35,  but the dl is giving me v0.30.

Having an issue with icons not showing in the window(can still build stuff tho) and hoping this is my problem.

Purchased this plugin a while ago and am just starting to get into using it. Great plugin. The options are limitless with what you could achieve. I am wondering if there is ever going to be mouse support for placing tiles as opposed to the way it is now? Using it with another of my plugins feels clunky for various reasons. Not a major need, may even be event-able, but just wondering.

Hey Eli, just grabbed the pro version of this plugin, got it to work and solved a major crash issue I was having with the free version. I have a few ideas I'd love to see added in future releases.

- Mouse hover descriptions for the Full Map scene icons would be nice. Even if just for the templates.

- Separate tile sizes for the Minimap and full size Map Scene. My maps that don't fill the Map Scene at the adjusted tile size look small and have huge borders. Even an option to show map images at full size in the Map Scene would be a great help.

- I also think this may be contributing to another glitch I'm having. When I open a small(as mentioned above) map it moves my char and Icon to the center of the map whenever I open the larger Map scene. Then when I close it my character comes floating in from offscreen. The Minimap is showing the correct position at all times, even when I float back in. I had this issue with another, larger map. When I raised the tile size so the Map Scene was larger than the displayed map it fixed it.

- I'm also having an issue with spawned events showing on the Minimap, which wasn't really a surprise to me.  They will show on the Map Scene when I open it and THEN will show on the Minimap so I'm wondering if there's a script call I can use after a spawn to make the Minimap refresh. 

Either way, great plugin and very simple to use.