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A member registered Oct 18, 2020

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I'll second this because I didn't know if it was intentional or not. Refused at first because I barely had anything, loss followed by the monsterbox icon popping up. Same thing happened when I later accepted and sat there doing nothing hoping that would work. Pretty much can't progress with it because I have no idea if there's a way to avoid her

Is there any way to cheat in rope or wood? Even if you gotta edit the files or something? I just despise the rope minigame, it takes ages

Very well made! I loved the extras page and the "phone guy" bit. One bit of criticism: It seems like the cameras didn't load sometimes, with no explanation why. Should probably fix/explain that. Otherwise, awesome job (:

Out of curiosity, will the next update have about as much content as this one?


With that out of my system... this is amazing. I got halfway through and kept thinking "this is only 0.1, it has to be over soon" and it just kept going. I'm not complaining though, every sentence of it was amazing. All the characters have depth (even the ones that seem like one-off or joke characters), and the amount of animations are amazing. Every animation that showed off a new place or character I had to play several times to see all the detail.

Not to mention the references. "President Stabb" was something that I entirely forgot about until reading it here again, and it made me laugh. Even if this was a SFW visual novel, I would still have a ton of fun with it, it's just amazing in every way.

Oh, one more thing... I'm not gonna forgive you for that cliffhanger. At least not until the next update. I literally felt like yelling, I wasn't expecting it to end there. Can't wait for the next one though, good luck and god speed with the creation (:

Could just be my phone, but large downloads (1 gb+) from google tend to get corrupted while downloading, causing that. Sometimes it's fixed by downloading it multiple times. Also try clearing the cache from whatever browser you're using

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The puzzle? Hit the colored levers in the right order, there's a hint to the order on a sign down there (look for capital letters)

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Currently unplayable, jumping is stupidly difficult and there are many areas that you commonly clip outside the map or slide around for no reason (I made it to the vents before I got stuck in the void outside them).
HOWEVER, this is just version 0.1. I really love the idea of the game, so I'm definitly going to come back here every now and then to check for new versions.

Although, if you think the game is cool, download it anyway, maybe you'll fair better than me or find more specific bugs that'll help development even more!