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A member registered Nov 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hi, I'm primarily a Unity programmer. Never tried jamming in a team, but would love to give it a shot. c:

Try using Unity's navigation system next time - it includes pathfinding and an algorithm for automatic avoidance between the characters so they don't get stuck on each other,

Solid entry! Did you make it from scratch or using some engine? I had fun discovering every kind of lethal cheese possible and wrecking enemies with it. The melee ones are quite harmless, since you can kite and shoot them forever. They would be more of a challenge if they were weaker, but came in bigger numbers or if they were as fast-moving as the player.  Ranged guys always leaved me damaged, but sometimes I could ambush them at short range and beat them to death with tofu like a true assasin.

I've fixed the clipping.

Thanks for that feedback, I will try to update the tracks! The songs are basically just midi (Musescore to be exact) files exported to wav, so they won't take long to fix. I didn't even think that the program would allow creating distorted tracks.

I'm glad you liked it! I will keep releasing more music in the future.

Really cool samples, though the things I love most about guzheng music are those beautiful, natural bends and arpeggios - and you lose out on them without a live player. :)

Great asset idea, you could make a whole game revolving around it after all. ;) 

You're wrong about gambling being a sin according to the Catholic Church, though. Source:, point 2413 .

Cool look, funny name, 5/5.

I like the color palette, it's easy on the eyes. Shame it's not free to download, like other submissions. :c


Really neat. These sprites are so tiny, yet readable. I immediately understand what they're supposed to be, which isn't always the case with pixel art.

Pleasant sounding, it would fit well in a character creation screen or name select in a JRPG. :D

In terms of critique, the track doesn't loop seamlessly, which is a missed opportunity - there is a "pop" sound whenever the track starts over. Look up how to fix it, it's quick and makes music more useful for games.

The melody is a little too steady and persistent for my tastes, with every note being the same length and the same pattern repeating every chord - I'd like some breathing room and variation there.

Pre-Made Jam community · Created a new topic Fonts

Would using a royalty-free or custom-made pixel font in a menu pass as not creating new graphics?