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A member registered Oct 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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beautiful places n creatures . i think i wld love this story


i did a lil edit of a screenshot ;hope thats ok

this game is alrdy so so so so good

thx sm 4 sharing it !!

rad as hell

cool ! i dont hav it in me 2 look up the symbols rn but enjoyed it regardless . thx 4 the cool zine 👍

hell yea #2 so soon !!

(1 edit)

o also for folks having window issues on windows , quick fix is to use Windows Key + Up Arrow (⊞+↑) to maximize the window to your monitor . or like , use Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow to move it around

i like ur art a lot . this game kinda rules actually

rad :3 thx 4 the normal fishing experience =w=

rly cool 2 see timeline screenshots ! grats on release !!

ty 4 sharing it ! never give up \o/

gdi T_T

thx 4 these ! beautiful collection

yea this is good

that was cool as hell , thx for making this !

this owns

grats on paypal access !

it noticed that ur soundcloud link on ur itch page doesn't work , thought 2 let u kno

beautiful game visually, musically, n poetically

short too. easy rec

this is rad as hell

AntiMicroX is the new recommended version of antimicro btw !

gl exams !

that wld be so cool !!! i found this , which seems to point to this python script which may help ! and i'll definitely check out ur other stuff tysm for the link !!! o(≧∇≦o)

ah heck i like how it sounds personally !!! but there prolly arent many like me who like how "bad" mixes sound :3c understandable !

ive been playing the ost version all day , fantastic stuff :3 thank u for making this game ! wishing u wellness,grace & future inspiration \o/

is there anywhere we can download the ost as audio files ? im so in love with it

wtf this ost is so good !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i havent even tried the game yet im just vibing this goes so hard

very gender, very pog

thank u