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/home/hdd/tmp/ulaplus/tools/Install Image2ULAplus.exe: OK
/home/hdd/tmp/ulaplus/tools/WinAGD OK
/home/hdd/tmp/ulaplus/tools/MakeSlideshow.exe: OK
/home/hdd/tmp/ulaplus/tools/SpecEmu Win.Trojan.Virut-382 FOUND
/home/hdd/tmp/ulaplus/tools/Install ZX-Paintbrush.msi: OK
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 8608469
Engine version: 0.103.5
Scanned directories: 6
Scanned files: 84
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 78.40 MB
Data read: 20.22 MB (ratio 3.88:1)
Time: 54.780 sec (0 m 54 s)
Start Date: 2022:03:20 18:48:39
End Date: 2022:03:20 18:49:34
thanks! this works in this way:
if you press start p1 in menu, it give you 1 credit (only if you don't have credits) and start the game (1 credit is consumed).
if you press start p2 in menu, it give you 1 or 2 credits (only if you don't have needed credits for 2 players) and start the game for 2 player (2 credits are consumed).
You can add more credits if you press startp1 or startp2 in the game time or in the menu configuration.
Sorry my english.