i've tried like a 100 days and nothing happened so i think maybe i haven't triggered the logan and the barrel scene but idk how to trigger that ;w; its literally torturing me
oh do i need to have lewd 8+ to trigger this scene? i mean the logan and barrel scene
thanks but is the tavern scene randomly triggered ? i got 40 morale on them and i also tried to enter tavern like a lot right now but nothing happened
I've seen thisbut it seems like I have stuck at step7 , I tried to visit him during daytime like a lot but nothing happened
help guys , I finished country road event and now how to get Logan's 2nd heart?
hey bros I just rescued Ste after Bareshade Expansion, can I still trigger country road event and if I can, how?
兄弟你这ID 你真是人如其名 这游戏文本量不是盖的 能加至少也要联系作者hyao 看他有没有这个意愿 现在游戏里WIP的地方那么多 他都不一定忙得过来 退一万步讲如果真可以 也要24小时连续不间断的翻译一个星期